Friday, December 27, 2019

The Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food - 1743 Words

In the article â€Å"The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food†, the writer Michael Moss mentioned that growing weight problem happened in America has become a major health crisis issue. While people are talking about obesity, they care more about how much sugar, salt and fat they consume during a day, which kind of processed food does harm to their body. It seems that food companies have an inalienable relationship with consumers’ health conditions, because they provide us with what we eat. These companies made their food taste better (putting sugar, salt and fat in product) for attracting more customers, and also tried to protect their individual customers from the â€Å"obesity epidemic†, which is named by Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Moss, 260), without losing market share. It put them a moral judgment of creating food that customers like or be good to customers’ health. However, another writer Ethan Watters describe a story in his article â€Å"The Mega-Marketing of Depression in Japan† that in the market of the depressant drug in Japan, pharmaceutical companies faced a dilemma. They found it so hard to construct a Western-view concept of â€Å"depression† among a large-scale demographic of Japanese people, to contribute to their mental health problem, and to make a profit for sure. In the former case, food companies applied multiple marketing strategies to collective demographics to create more individuals’ desire of consumption, while they were striving to protectShow MoreRelatedThe Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food Essay914 Words   |  4 PagesFood is an essential part of our life, to stay alive. Food is necessary for our bodies to develop, replace, and repair cells and tissues; produce energy to keep warm, move, and work; carry out chemical processes such as digestion of food; and protect against resist, fight infection, and recover from sickness. Food is made up of nutr ients such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. The body cannot function properly if one or more of the nutrients are missing. It has been common todayRead MoreThe Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food1248 Words   |  5 Pagestoday is childhood obesity. A child is considered obese if that child is above the normal weight for their age and height. Childhood obesity is a â€Å"national epidemic† problem in America that needs major attention. In the article,†The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food,† by Michael Moss he acknowledges that â€Å"Among children, the rates had more than doubled since 1980, and the number of kids considered obese had shot past 12 million†(473). Moss’s point is that the rates of childhood obesity hasRead MoreThe Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food938 Words   |  4 Pages In this article, â€Å"The Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food†, written by Michael Moss there are several sources used to try and prove that the junk foods that we consume on a daily basis aren’t healthy for us and have become addictive. Moss tackles the argument in a way of using rhetorical devices and figurative language to get his audience, which would be the consumers, to understand that the big companies that we’re giving our money to don’t care about our health, just whether or not we’reRead MoreReview Of The Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food1853 Words   |  8 Pagesa defence mechanism that leads to either the destruction of our surroundings or new concepts in ways to make the situation better. In Michael Moss’s The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food, he reports on the growing obesity epidemic in the United States as a result of food manufacturers â€Å"conscious effort†¦ to get people hooked on foods that are convenient and inexpensive† (Moss 262). Whereas, in An Elephant Crackup?, by Charles Siebert, we assimilate the fact that â€Å"elephant behavior isRead MoreMega Marketing : The Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food1679 Words   |  7 Pagesfactors. Some of these factors may include media, social groups, and pressure groups as well. In Michael Moss’s â€Å"The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food†, Moss examines the science behind food industry corporations and how scientist study which design and taste addict their consumers, correlating the effects towards the obesity epidemic. 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My aunt, who has been in New York City for more than 20 years, told me that in the past, she always made her two sons’ lunches to take to school during school years which was more nutritive and less expensive. Her sons at that time were energetic and played outside a lot. But soon after, they did not bring their own lunches anymore. They asked for money from my aunt to purchase food in school canteens. Possibly my aunt thoughtRead MoreDocumentary: Food Inc Essay1286 Words   |  6 PagesEveryone has the right to know whats in the food that they are eating. Its upsetting how these massive corporations dominate American citizens. If everyone knew how much brutality was required to meet the demands of the fast food industry, I like to think the public would simply not tolerate it and demand that animals stop being designated property in law. I find it impossible to believe that if people knew the reality that they would not want animals to have recourse to legal protections f romRead MoreThe Power Of Context By Malcolm Gladwell1579 Words   |  7 Pagesharmful to their dignities. Similarly, Michael Moss, the author of â€Å"The Extraordinary Science of Additive Junk Food†, talks about the extraordinary science behind tastes and junk food addictions, and how multinational food companies struggle to maintain their stomach shares in the face of mounting evidence that their foods are driving the health crisis, while the public knows this fact and still willing to buy the junk food. Therefore, according to three articles, the cognitive associations andRead MoreFood Safety Essay1109 Words   |  5 PagesPolicy and Solution 1. The problem with todays society is that there are two things that are required for human beings to live: food and water. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Evolution of Manifest Destiny - 831 Words

During the nineteenth century, manifest destiny became a particularly common concept. This idea stated that Americans were destined to expand across the western frontier and the world because the â€Å"superior† Anglo-Saxon race had received God’s divine blessing to do so. The idea first came about during the American Revolution in the 1700s and continued through such events as the Civil War and other nineteenth century conflicts. Americans became involved with Cuba, the Philippines and their turmoil with Spanish rule. They turned a â€Å"rescue mission† for the Cubans and Filipinos into an overtaking. Power-hungry Americans sought to take over the world, particularly in markets like China, regardless of the conflicts and battles that would ensue as†¦show more content†¦This act would lead Ho Chi Minh to look towards Russia and China in 1954 where he eventually became a Communist. By 1940, Japan had invaded Vietnam and stripped France of all colonial control, and in 1941 they had bombed Pearl Harbor. Ho Chi Minh saw this as a chance to seek independence for his country of Vietnam. He put together a small nationalist army called Viet Minh and helped in Vietnam fighting the Japanese and working with the Americans, who saw him as a nationalist, not a communist. Ho’s regime helped rescue and care for American fliers who were shot down in the region. In August 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing 150,000 Japanese, ending World War II. By May 8, a peace treaty was brought up on Vietnam that divided it into North and South Vietnam, where violence had risen. By 1963, South Vietnam’s militia took control after their president’s death. Additionally, the death of JFK led to the inauguration of Lyndon Johnson, during whose term the war continued. America’s opinion of the war had now changed to one word- Quagmire. The war lasted five years after Johnson’s only term before South Vietnam was eventually defeated in 1975. The Vietnam War was started mainly because of America’s idea to indoctrinate American values and beliefs on them (better known as America’s Manifest Destiny). Vietnam was viewed by the United States as backward people who neededShow MoreRelatedManifest Destiny1555 Words   |  7 PagesThe Evolution Of Transportation Manifest Destiny was a widely spread belief that settlers in the United States should expand across North America. It was the belief that fueled the westward expansion. The westward expansion led to many other events in and around the United States. Before Manifest Destiny and the westward expansion the French and Indian War and Revolutionary War took place which allowed America to declare independence. Manifest Destiny was a big influence on the evolution of transportRead MoreEssay On Manifest Destiny1551 Words   |  7 PagesManifest Destiny was a widely spread belief that settlers in the United States should expand across North America. It was the belief that fueled the westward expansion. The westward expansion led to many other events in and around the United States. Before Manifest Destiny and the westward expansion the French and Indian War and Revolutionary War took place which allowed America to declare independence. Manifest Destiny was a big influence on the evolution of transport and technology. Before weRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay1269 Words   |  6 Pagesexpand west to the Pacific Ocean, Manifest Destiny would become one of the most influential ideologies in American history (Greenberg 3). This belief of the settlers aided in the westward expansion of the nation’s boundaries through the removal of the Native Americans who had inhabited the western lands for generations and in some cases centuries; and with a war with Mexico in which we gained territory in Texas, the southwest and California. The idea of Manifest Destiny was first introduced into theRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay1346 Words   |  6 Pagesideas, that would evolve into the American ideology known today as Manifest Destiny. Still, it was not until 1834 that the newspaper editor, John L. OSullivan, is believed to have first coined the phrase â€Å"Manifest Destiny† when he said in his article Annexation, ...our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the fre e development of our yearly multiplying millions (OSullivan 2). Manifest Destiny produced many conflicts, like the Mexican American War, caused theRead MoreAmerica s Hunger For Land And Power1166 Words   |  5 Pagespolicies and expand worldwide, such as large parts of South America and the Caribbean. American imperialism of the late 1800s and early 1900s demonstrated the same cultural and social justification of previous expansionism. The original doctrine of Manifest Destiny, which emerged in the 1840s to accompany westward continental expansion, advocated a belief that America was destined by God to expand its borders across the continent. For the most part, the United States’ need for more land was primarily toRead MoreThe Claim Justified Evolution Of The Transatlantic Slave Trade1518 Words   |  7 PagesThe Falsely Justified Evolution of the Transatlantic Slave Trade In the early stages of the evolution of slavery in Europe, which eventually transformed into the infamous transatlantic slave trade, slavery was simply considered as those who were held captive from each conflicting side of war. Whichever side lost the war was deemed slaves by the victorious side. Since there wasn’t any race that was considered inferior to the other within Europe, skin color wasn’t a large influence in early stagesRead MoreA Transcontinental Railroad1499 Words   |  6 Pagesexpand. Americans became extremely curious, wondering what lies in this forsaken land and developed the proposal of manifest destiny. The term manifest destiny â€Å"was a brief way to express support for American expansion and the annexation of western lands† (Mountjoy 12). Americans were now longing for a path from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast and hoping to fulfill manifest destiny. To achieve this â€Å"Asa Whitney proposes the construction of a transcontinental rai lroad† (Streissguth 9). The transcontinentalRead MoreU.s Expansionism : Manifest Destiny1363 Words   |  6 PagesVivian Natasya Mrs. Todoric AP Lang. 4B January 17, 2016 U.S Expansionism: 1850-1910 Manifest destiny was merely the concept that Americans were destined, by God, to expand throughout the continents. As the United States grew in authority, so did its concept of expansionism. This very concept brought about the war with Mexico which led to the United States receiving what is now known as the southwest. At the outset, the market revolution, advancements in transportation, and increasing nationalismRead MoreApush990 Words   |  4 PagesPhilippines and even China. We began expanding to find markets for our ever-growing production. Once we had conquered the continental United States we saw that we had the ambition to take on the world, as well as a faith in God that expanded Manifest Destiny across bodies of water into previously unobtainable lands. Document C underlines the importance of naval power, as well as outlining the three necessary obligations. â€Å"First, protection of the chief harbors, by fortification and coast-defenseRead MoreFrom Their Earliest Beginn ings, Railroads Have Played An1075 Words   |  5 PagesFrom their earliest beginnings, railroads have played an extremely vital role in shaping America; its society, its culture, and its destiny. Taking inspiration from the first railroads of Britain, American businessmen soon channeled the vast majority of their wealth and efforts into promoting the development of railways in the United States. And with its truly immense territory, growing population, and trailblazing spirit, America soon embraced the idea of a railroad that would connect the Pacific

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Analyse acts 1, 2 and act3, scene 1 Essay Example For Students

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Analyse acts 1, 2 and act3, scene 1 Essay Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Analyse acts 1, 2 and act3, scene 1, with specific reference to how Shakespeare uses characters, language and structure to reveal the escalation of violence and tension in the play. Before William Shakespeares well-known version of Romeo and Juliet there were plays and short stories written in the form of this tragedy. Most of these were in Italian and French. For instance in 1567, around 28 years before Shakespeares version, a man called William Painter included his The goodly history of Rhomeo and Julietta in a volume of short stories, but even earlier during 1562 an author called Arthur Brooke had turned the story into a very long poem which he called The Tragical history of Romeus and Juliet There are many similarities between these poems and stories to Shakespeares play of Romeo and Juliet, he almost certainly used these to help in the writing of his own version of the play. This was quite usual in Elizabethan times for playwrights to use existing stories for the bases of their own, and Shakespeare was exceptionally good at using another peoples work and using their ideas and turning them into complex pieces of drama. But what made William Shakespeare think of setting this love affair between a feuding family? Well at the time there was a feud between two families these were the Longs and the Danvers. Shakespeare knew of this, as his friend the Earl of Southampton was also a friend with the Danvers. Romeo and Juliet was probably written between 1594 and 1595 by which time Shakespeare had already began his rise to fame by performing his plays in the London Theatre. Four or Five years before William Shakespeare had started his work in London and left behind his wife and three children, his eldest being Susannah, back home in Stratford upon Avon. William Shakespeare was 30 and had married his wife at 18, his eldest child being 13 years of age meaning his wife was pregnant before they married and this was probably the reason for the marriage. Shakespeare did not only write plays but also Sonnets. Many can be found in his plays and many were love poems and were definitely not written for his wife. Many people believe these love poems were written for a dark, musical lady whom he had most likely met whilst acting in London. Maybe the play Romeo and Juliet was his way of presenting his feelings for this dark, musical lady whom he truly loved, as he, like Romeo, could not have the woman he loved but in Shakespeares case he wasnt due to a feud, he was already married. Many of his sonnets appear in the first half of Romeo and Juliet, the opening prologue itself is a complete sonnet. It is believed that Shakespeare wrote these sonnets for this Dark Musical Lady I believe that this in fact was not love at all I believe that this was a term called courtly love his infatuation for this Lady was a lot like Romeos obsession for Rosaline. Courtly Love was when a man would fall in Love with a woman usually a woman they couldnt have, a woman who was married or a woman whom was spoken for, she would usually be of higher class (richer) then the man. She, of course, would have to turn him away to keep her reputation but also making the man miserable and his passion will grow for her; he starts making up poems about his love for her and staging fights for himself to win so he could impress his lady with his battle skills. From all her coldness he now suffers depression, he cannot think eat or sleep for his Love for his lady; he prays to God to soften her heart and to reduce his anguish he continually thinks jealous thoughts of his lady. This is what courtly love was all abou t, a man wanting an unattainable woman, Such as Romeos for Rosaline and Shakespeares for this Dark Musical Lady. The play on which this subject is based upon Romeo and Juliet is known as a play of contrasts and of themes e.g. Love, Detestation, Life, Death, Aggression, fate, age, youth. The focus of my essay is the violence of the play but the leading up to this is the main cause of it which of course is love and the fate that awaits Romeo and Juliet as between them is meant to be hate so again we see those love and hate contrasts, this being the main theme of the play but we can not ignore the background themes of the play as they build it up and secure our tragic ending, One of these themes is the matter of youth and age, and how young Romeo is in his youth and is abrupt with his emotions which is contrasted with the calm wisdom of old friar Lawrence. But the balance is the worry of Romeo by his parents and the unpredictability of the parents towards their beloved daughter Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is very well known as a play of contrasts, throughout the play many can be seen, some are plainly obvious and others are inconspicuous e.g. the love and hate theme between Montague and the Capulet and Romeo and Juliet is particularly obvious but age and youth contrast theme is quite hidden but looking into the characters of Friar Lawrence and Tybalt it is easy too see that with age comes wisdom allowing Friar Lawrence able to see both sides of the feud without getting caught up in it, while as Tybalt is young and foolish, his anger gets the better of him and tragically allows himself to die and Romeo to be banished from Verona. There are many of these themes some of which are: Age and Youth, Chance and Fate, Love and Violence and Life and Death, the aspect of this essay is the theme of Love and Violence and how Shakespeare creates the escalation in the play, but this theme can not be considered by its self as Shakespeare uses the other themes to create more of an esc alation to the violence of it all. The theme of love is very much involved in the play as the play is a tragic love story, but in the play different people mix up the aspects of love. Romeos way of showing love and his idea of it all are somewhat different from his friends. Romeo plainly shows here at the Capulet mansion what he thinks of love when he first sees Juliet. Romeo. If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this, My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. While as his friends show a whole different aspect on Love, all they see is the sexual side of it and they admit this and in fact actually show-off this fact when they see the Nurse outside the church. Maggie Greene EssayBy the next day Romeo has forgotten about his love for Rosaline and has gone to Friar Lawrence who certainly has not forgotten about his love for Rosaline and is now worried for two things, one that the fighting would separate the marriage and two if he loved Rosaline like this and can switch so quickly it wasnt really love who is to say this is? Friar Lawrence: Tho and these woes were all for Rosaline and Art thou changed? Shakespeare is revealing to the audience how Romeo was only in courtly love with Rosaline but now he has felt true love for Juliet, he is revealing to them and explaining to them how bad things can really get because Romeo and Juliet are on opposite sides, he is showing that there is only one person on both sides of this, whom is friar Lawrence and he is showing the audience how scared friar Lawrence is but he changes his mind and shows the audience a look of enlightenment on friar Lawrences face and reveals to the audience of the Friars plan that if the couple get married through the fighting it might surpass it all and cause a truce. This act opens with Romeo and Juliet talking on the balcony about there love and Romeo proposes, Romeo then goes off the next day to make arrangements for their wedding with Friar Lawrence, Friar Lawrence then questions him about his love for Juliet and his abandoned love for fair Rosaline. Shakespeare then shows us how the Montague feel about the Capulet, he shows us two people on the Montague side or of the Montague family telling us what they think of Tybalt the Capulet cousin, they know that after the party a fight will commence between Romeo and Tybalt, they expect Romeo to win, Mercutio, Romeos best friend sticks up for him and calls Tybalt a wimp. Mercutio: More than prince of cats. O, hes the courageous captain of compliments Mercutio is in a bad mood and then he insults an innocent by passer who turns out too be the Capulet Nurse she insults back and Mercutios mood gets worse. The nurse goes home to meet up with Juliet to tell her of the news of her wedding, She sweet talks the nurse but when the nurse doesnt tell her she becomes angry and confused she tries sweet talking the nurse again and gets her way and finds out. At the end of this act the young couple finally precede to their wedding and are bonded for eternity, little do they know what was in store for them. The main events always happen in the middle of the story, although Shakespeare opened up his story telling us what happened he did this in a very clever way, he tells us what happens so we will watch and we think how does it happen then where does it go wrong well in Act 3, thats where it all goes wrong, this is probably the most violent of acts and it is one scene where most of the violence actually happens, that scene is scene 1. At the beginning of the scene Mercutio is still in a very bad mood, the weather is hot and is emotions are high; he is spoiling for a fight, Benvolio is concerned he is remembering what the price ordered and knows if his friend is challenged to a fight he is not going to refuse, Benvolio is yet again trying to maintain the peace. Benvolio I pray thee, good Mercutio, lets retire: The day is hot, the Capls are abroad, And if we meet we shall not scape a brawl, For now, these days, is the mad blood stirring. Soon enough with Mercutio ignoring Benvolios warnings Tybalt comes along looking for Romeo, Mercutio starts joking about the whereabouts of Romeo and other subjects about the Capulets, but Mercutios joking soon turns into his annoyance and starts to challenge Tybalt for Romeo. When Romeo turns up at the scene he is immediately bombarded and challenged to a fight, he of coarse being married to Juliet refuses the offer. Romeo: I do protest I never injured thee, but I love thee better then thou canst devise. Tybalt still will not accept the fact that Romeo does not wish to fight, he therefore challenges him again, the day is hot and Tybalts anger is high he is not going to stand the refusal for to long, and before long is calling him a wimp. Shakespeare shows us Romeos strong nature and how he can handle it, but however while Romeo can deal with the pressure Mercutio cannot. Mercutio challenges Tybalt to a fight in which Tybalt accepts. Mercutio: Will you pluck your sword out of his pilcher by the ears? Tybalt: I am for you Shakespeare is trying to show the audience how bad the fighting really is, look at how Tybalt is accepting the challenge of Mercutio, whom isnt even a Montague, but is in relation to the Montague as a friend. Although Mercutio joked about Tybalts fighting he soon realised what hed done and what hed volunteered himself into, Benvolio knew what was going to happen, and eventually it did, Mercutio was killed. Romeo is furious, angry; he pulls his sword on Tybalt. Romeo: And fire-eyed fury by my conduct now! Tybalt ran after the death of Mercutio but for some un-known reason he returns, He now gets his own way, Romeo challenges him to a fight to the death. The outcome to these events have a ripple effect throughout the rest of the play, Tybalt is killed by Romeo, the princes order tells us that Romeo should be killed, but because Tybalt should have been killed first because the killing of Mercutio, Romeo is let off with only banishment but if Lady Capulet had her way then he would have been killed. Lady Capulet: For blood of ours, shed blood of Montague The prince will not act upon Lady Capulets instructions and asks Benvolio, an eyewitness of what had happened, the prince believes Benvolio showing the audience yet again that he is a peacemaker and a trustworthy person. The last words of Mercutio are very important he says A curse on both your houses and thinking about it this does actually happen both the Montague name and the Capulet name are wiped out, the parents are probably too old to have children now and there only children commit suicide. To conclude my essay I would like to include my own comment on the play and the violence in it, Shakespeare has created an excellent plot idea and turned it into a play still enjoyed by audiences today, his theme ideas are very cunning and well hidden unless looking into the play in depth, the characters created are still a great influence in many peoples lives today and the violence of the play will still be well known for years to come and will still be used in comparison with people and families who do not like one another and show it in an unfriendly way.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Effects Of Music On Advertising And Choice Befhavior Essays

The Effects Of Music On Advertising And Choice Befhavior Jose Gonzalez Mktg. section 8 April 2000 THE EFFECTS OF MUSIC IN ADVERTISING ON CHOICE BEHAVIOR: Introduction Commercials typically contain both product spedific information and background features such as pleasant music, attractive colors, and humor. Of the two experiments that Gerald J. Gorn conducted we will analyze the one experiment, which determined whether background features of a commercial, in this specific case music, affected product preferences in consumers. It is said that the impact of product information in a commercial on beliefs and attitudes would typically be interpreted within an information-processing framework. It is suggested according to Gorn that a classical conditioning framework could account for the potential impact of background features on product attitudes. This approach believes that the subject must be consciously aware of the presence of the unconditioned stimulus when the conditioned stimulus is present in order for the conditioning to take place. One difficulty with the classical Conditioning approach is the lack of awareness. According to Gorn, the consumermay not always be aware that the unconditioned stimuli in a commercial may affect his/her product attitudes, moe general, the consumer may not be aware of the real forces impacting on both attitudes in this case the impact of music. In a typical communication situation, people may not realize or accept the impact of unconditioned stimulus on their responses to the ad. So, possible classical conditioning effects might therefore, be underestimated and underrreported in self-reports. Cognitive bias can result from an atempt to think well of oneself, states Gorn. So it means that a rational analysis in communication behavior might be bias in favor of information. For classical conditioning, product information in the commercial must be kept minimal, otherwiese the unconditioned stimulus in the commercial might vaguely be arousing interest in product information.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Managing Human Resources free essay sample

This assissment is going to be about Human Resource Management and it’s going to contain information about different perspectives of human resources management and what the role involves. . HRM system is based on HR system , both work together to the same way. The example is HR strategies defining the direction in which HRM intends to go. We got few models of HRM , one I want to describe is Guest’s Model of HRM. David Guest’s model of HRM has 6 dimensions of analysis : HRM strategy HRM practices HRM outcomes Behaviour outcomes Performance outcomes Financial outcomes This model is prescriptive in the sense that it is based on the assumption that HRM is different from traditional personal management. How guest’s model is adopted in Harrods? In my opinion is adopted by having similar commitments for example the Guest model is prescriptive on the sense that it is bases on the assumption that HRM is distinctively different from traditional personnel management and rotted in strategic management. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Human Resources or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also the Guest’s model of HRM outcomes are fairly similar as Harrods engages employees to continues success of the business by committing to what they are doing and one of the outcomes that the Guest’s model states is commitment. David Guest’s analysis financial outcomes in his model of HRM and when looking at the financial outcome at Harrods, we can see that they are loosing money due to the employee turnover. When looking at the case study it shows that the research that has been done about the turnover indicates that the employee turnover has significant cost and performance effects to the business. For example the employee turnover at Harrods measures the rate at which employees leave their employer normally after one year. The claim of the Guest model that it is superior to others is partly justified in the sense that it clearly maps out the field of HRM and delineates the inputs and outcomes. But the dynamics of people management are so complex that no model (including the Guest model) can capture them comprehensively. P. 1. 2 The purpose of HRM is to ensure that the employees of an organization are used in such a way that the employer obtains the greatest possible benefit from their abilities and the employees obtain both material and psychological rewards from their work. Personnel management is the traditional approach to managing. It deals with the reactive side, which are rules, and regulations, wages, pension, and leave administration. It is administrative in nature. Human Resource Management are people oriented an treats employees as an asset. It is the modern approach to managing an organisation and people in the organisation. It is the proactive side of managing which puts people first. The term industrial relations has developed both a broad and a narrow meaning. Industrial relations is increasingly being called employment relations or employee relations because of the importance of non-industrial employment relationships. Industrial relations has three faces: science building, problem solving, and ethical. In the science building phase, industrial relations is part of the social sciences, and it seeks to understand the employment relationship and its institutions through high-quality, rigorous research. From this perspective, an industrial relation covers all aspects of the employment relationship, including human resource or personnel management and employee relations. The difference between personnel management and human resource management is that personnel management basically deals with the employees, for example they deal with payroll recruitment. Where the HRM deals with the management of the work force, training and the well-being of all employees. Also we can say that Human Resources is to incorporate and develop personnel management tasks, while at the same time seeking to create and develop teams of workers to the advantage of the organization. Personnel management comprises mainly of administrative tasks that are considered to be traditional and routine. The Human Resources management at Harrods helps to build a competitive edge by positively getting involving the employees. The HRM at Harrods use an appropriate leadership style and they use two-way communication, which is very effective as it allows information to be passed on correctly and quickly. Similar organization which adopted IR practice and Personal is NHS. The NHS UK practice managers work within the primary care sector, where they manage the overall running of general practices surgeries. Practice managers come from a variety of backgrounds and do not necessarily need to be a qualified healthcare professional. Industrial relations in the UK health care sector are characterised by high levels of social dialogue and joint regulation, particularly in the public part of the sector. P. 1. 3 At Harrods the role of the line manager is to encourage communication targets and advice to employees through face-to-face interactions. This might involve sitting down in the staff room, or in a more formal setting, to agree objectives and to give advice about improvements and new ways of working. Acting as a coach helps the line managers to develop their managerial skills, build relationships and reinforce trust at Harrods. Employees play the most vital role in HRM because they are the key advantage and we also must remember that high-performing and innovative employees are the foundation of productivity. Some major implications for HRM are, they can set direction and implement a company strategy, which builds commitment to what they do. Employees at Harrods help to develop performance metrics for on going improvements in the business. In order to increase the productivity at Harrods the line manager or HRM support their employees by communicating effectively and giving them regular feedback on their performance and by them doing that it decreases the errors and frustration caused to employees at work. Also an effective reward system for employees at Harrods motivates them towards better performance. Non-monetary factors like better status can motivate employees in addition.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Bartleby essays

Bartleby essays Since he will not quit me, I must quit him. Ah Bartleby, Ah Humanity. (Page 140, Herman Melville) This is the key to Bartleby, written by Herman Melville, for it indicates that Bartleby stands as a symbol for humanity. This in turn functions as a commentary on society and the working world, for Bartleby is a seemingly homeless, mentally disturbed scrivener who gives up on the prospect of living life. However, by doing so Bartleby is attempting to exercise his freewill, for he would prefer not to work. His relationship to the narrator is thus significant, for as he attempts to exercise his freewill he is breaking from the will of the narrator and the normal progression of life. However, this attempt to exercise his freewill and break loose from the confines of typical societal functions, isolates Bartleby from society, which in turn places him in a state of depression and soon there after, death. Ultimately, by having Bartleby prefer not to, Melville is commenting on the role of human ity in the work force. If man attempts to break free of his role and exercise his own freewill then he is severing himself from humanity which in turn will lead to depression and perhaps death, for he will have nothing but a wall always obstructing him. From the beginning Bartleby is isolated within the confines of his work place. I procured a high green folding screen, which might entirely isolate Bartleby from my sight, though not remove him from my voice.( pg 111) In this quotation the narrator put Arnold, Page 2 up a screen to separate his office from Bartlebys, which isolates him from the other members of the staff which thus isolates him from humanity. However, this is not the end of the isolation for he is not only detached from those around him, but society as well. I placed his desk close up to a small side window, a window that had originally afforded a view of certain grimy backyards, bu...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Develop a framework to summarize the literature in enterprise Essay

Develop a framework to summarize the literature in enterprise architecture - Essay Example This paper introduces three essential domains of the enterprise architecture framework. The domains are: It is oblivious from this definition that Enterprise architecture is not just a group of the component architectures. The interrelationships amongst these architectures and their shared properties are crucial to the enterprise architecture. According to [1], the business architecture describes the basic organization and necessities of the business based on company plan and objectives. It is made of four building blocks business model, process architecture, information architecture and organizational architecture. The business model provides a high level view on the type of the business in terms of goods and services existing in the market, the business partners, the value chain, market channel is used and the combination of property and data for producing value add. The process architecture categorizes and describes all process of the company and their individual value adds. It is the key construction block of the company architecture. The progression architecture is classified in the key business process client relationship management, product life cycle management, supply chain management and the operation and support processes. The application architecture offers a general idea on all applications behind the process of the business with the structure blocks applications, entry and information organization policy, statistics repositories, and EAI Services. The infrastructure or technology architecture is made up of software, hardware and network communications essential for operations of all applications. Infrastructure building blocks are the foundation services, place of work services, storage and server system, and network. Work place services give for presentation and work with facts and for output back up at the work place. They are composed of mobile and permanent

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Personal Income Taxes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Income Taxes - Essay Example The rich taxpayers are seem to be reporting almost 48.5% of their total income as capital gains and dividends, effectively getting 48.5% of their income taxed at extremely lower rate of 15% compared to that of the low income people. The trend now is that such wealthy taxpayers with more than $10 million continue to report huge increase in their income and get taxed at extremely lower rates. Legendry investor Warren Buffet has complained that he pays much lower tax rates than his secretary. John: I should agree with Mike on this point. Studies have shown that one of the major reasons for income inequality in US is such special tax rates on investment income. While the percentage of capital income is as high as 50% for some of the wealthy, it is as low as 2% for people below the income level of $200,000. In fact, Mitt Romney is reported to have close to $14 million income and the effective tax rate is seemed to be as low as 13.5%. All these instances point to the fact that current tax system just keeps accelerating the income disparity in US. A fix to this is indispensable in order to check this inequality from spreading. One option that the government can consider is to increase the tax rates on investment income. I: Taking it on from John, I should say that is already high time that the government should find a fix for this issue. Effectively, only a higher tax rate can curb the huge tax rate disparity in US. Regarding John’s note on increasing the tax rates on investment income, I should say that it will again adversely affect the small taxpayers who have considerably small percentage of investment income. Increase in the tax rate on such income would effectively leave the small taxpayers with fewer after tax profits. Therefore, a more ideal choice would be to determine the tax break loopholes that allow the rich to lower their income tax percentage and close such

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Movie about arranged Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Movie about arranged - Assignment Example evident in the film when Rochel’s brother asks her if there were â€Å"shvartzas† a derogatory slang name for blacks in Yiddish at the school where she works. It becomes clear that the father also shares the same prejudice as his son when he asks Rochel if all her students are blacks. In a Jewish marriage, the man is the head of the family and the provider. If the daughter of the house is getting married, he is the one who protects her and exercises authority on the suitors sent to her by the matchmaker. During the dating period, he asks the girl out on a date, which takes place at a public venue. In the Muslim setup, the man is the head of the family and his authority is never to be challenged directly. When selected as a potential suitor he meets with the girl in her parents’ home and the meeting takes place under their supervision. Therefore, the man is portrayed in both marriage settings as the figure of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis of Turkeys Economy

Analysis of Turkeys Economy More and more investors opt for a property in Turkey. Turkey is a country with a good prognosis and high added value. Turkey has been for some years a popular country for real estate investors. The proximity to Europe makes its choice on this beautiful country fall more and more prospective buyers. The cheap real estate and land prices also do so. Their very high wages allow the builders to purchase their own home at an affordable price. Turkey is a very big country. Therefore, there is no lack of space, and therefore the real estate prices are still extremely low. Property in Turkey is also a safe investment and promises a very high growth. Who won’t buy a property that gets a secure proof of ownership and is recorded as the owner in the land register? Property can be inherited from foreigners without problems. There are very clear laws in this regard. Only, the prospective buyers should not wait with a decision for too long. If Turkey is once member of the European Union, th e real estate prices will probably go there very quickly to the top. Key words: Turkey, Development, Investments, Real estates, Environment LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION In a time of global crisis and uncertainty, in the course of which follow consecutive interest rate cuts by central banks and thus remain only very limited opportunities for returns for investors in savings, it is important to consider alternative investments in order to achieve attractive returns. With these considerations are thought to investing in real estate are increasingly also in addition to a riskier investment in individual equities or equity funds. Finally, these have the reputation to be valuable and inflation-proof investments. Since the Bosnian real estate market, however, does not list any high returns and capital appreciation over many years, the view stretches across the borders and abroad. While immediate neighbors and major industrial nations are hardly different from the Bosnian real estate market due to their already mature real estate market from a yield perspective is directed to the profit-oriented view of the riskier investors towards the representative of the emerging markets. These emerging markets are from Europe in particular countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Russia and Turkey. Here, specifically, Turkey offers not only as a holiday destination some very interesting reasons for a long-term investment in the local real estate market. Analysts already captioned that Turkey is the India of Europe and pointed it out to an emerging nation. For a country with a young and growing population of over 70 million people in the cities grow steadily by strong immigration and more and more households arise, and whose economy is continuously stable and offers multiple opportunities. How much potential is really in this market and where exactly may even have hidden the risks, should be clarified in this work. 1. GEOGRAPHY AND INFRASTRUCTURE OF TURKEY One investment in a foreign country should be preceded by several considerations and analyzes, so transparency is created, information asymmetries are reduced and the risk of wrong decisions is minimized by ignorance. Especially with investments in land and real estate investor binds itself to the country and cannot be transferred later to another location of the property. Therefore, in almost any other investment, the location plays a more important role than in real estate investments. Both the geographical location as well as the infrastructural characteristics of the country should be incorporated with and analyzed before a decision is taken. 1.1. Geographical Location With a large area, Turkey spans over two continents. While only 3% of the 814,578 km  ² is located on the continent of Europe, 97 % of the land areas are assigned to the Asian continent. The European part of the country is called Thrace, while the Asian part of the country known as Anatolia (Onis, Senses; 2013). The geographical division of the country carried out in seven regions. Among these regions are: Marmara Region Black Sea Region Mediterranean region Aegean Region Central Anatolia Eastern Anatolia Southeastern Anatolia Located in Central Anatolia Ankara is the capital of Turkey, but the main artery of the country is in the northwest of Istanbul. It is the most populous city, also the economic and cultural center of the country and leads the European and Asian side of the Bosporus Bridge together. On the whole, Turkey is divided into 81 provinces, each with an appointed Governor of Ankara. The total length of the borders of Turkey is about 9650 km, of which about 7200 km are bounded by the sea. In the north of Turkey is the Black Sea, to the south of the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea to the west. In addition, Turkey shares with eight neighboring states his countrys borders, which make up a length of about 2650 km. While Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan bordering Turkey in the north-east, Iran to the east, Iraq and Syria to the south, and Greece and Bulgaria is situated in the northwest. Figure 1: Map of Turkey, Source: Lonely Planet; 2014 1.2. Infrastructure The infrastructure of a real estate market is a crucial factor for the evaluation of its attractiveness as an investment. Especially with real estate investments, the supply and disposal standards of the place and its transport links and road quality as part of the technical infrastructure are significant. But also the social infrastructure of the town plays an important role prior to the purchase of property by public institutions such as schools, doctors, hospitals and leisure facilities. About the total area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Turkey away no single standard can be seen. Regional differences in infrastructure quality are available. While European standards are common in the west and south of the country, as well as in the capital Ankara, the population still lives in parts of eastern Anatolia with limitations in the supply of electricity and water. Also the nature of the roads, especially those leading to the villages are still away from western examples. In the analysis of the Turkish real estate market in the following only those regions are studied in detail, which are the primary focus of the investor and already dominated by European standards. Investors prefer the regions in and around Antalya and the Aegean. But the city of Istanbul is a major player in Turkey in attracting investment capital for the benefit of its building projects and existing properties. Especially Istanbul needs to make further investments in the infrastructure. For in the Turkish cities took place in the past decades the colonization mostly without development plans. In Istanbul, for example, increased the built-up areas from 1990 to 2005 by more than 40 %. Contrast can be explained by the rapid growth of the expansion of the transport, water, sewage and electricity networks to the extent necessary to ensure hardly. Local governments continue to try to curb this haphazard growth and to establish structures and order, as well as a nationwide transport network. The necessary financial resources, however, are currently the main obstacle to tackle this problem. Therefore, a stronger private sector engagement imperative, but for the time being unlikely, as the first commitment to other areas, such as building construction concentrated. However, a role model takes the waste disposal company Remondis (Finkel; 2012). As part of a joint venture, they invested in the treatme nt of wastewater and offer their services around four million residents of different municipalities. 2. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN TURKEY The economic development of a country is the assessment of the countrys investment is crucial. This section deals with the economic development and the future prospects of Turkey, and the pulse-generating, political factors. 2.1. Historical review and macroeconomic environment The current financial crisis, which has its origins in the U.S. subprime market and initially transformed into a global financial crisis to finally trigger a major global economic crisis has hit many countries hard. Many economies are in consequence of this crisis in a recession and that is why the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with only 0.5% growth in the global economy in 2009. Turkey had to overcome in 2001, a devastating economic crisis which was triggered by a public dispute in the spring of 2001 between the then Prime Minister Bà ¼lent Ecevit and President Ahmet Sezer Nejdet about the corruption in the country, the markets and the people lost their trust in the government. Aside from corruption, mismanagement and especially an ailing banking system were the main points of criticism and eventually triggered the crisis. In the course of the dispute between the two politicians, stock markets lost up to 18 % of its value in just one day and over a third in just a few days. The previously linked to major currencies like the U.S. dollar and the Euro Turkish Lira had to be released by the central bank because of capital flight by investors and was thus subjected to the forces of foreign exchange markets. Within a day by the Turkish lira lost 27% against the U.S. dollar and inflation soared to levels of over 60%. Short-term debt costs over 5,000 %. Indebted co mpanies had to go, because of the unaffordable interest on debt to file for bankruptcy and forced hundreds of thousands, into unemployment. A severe recession with values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹above 8 % was the result. The IMF had gripped Turkey in this situation with a state credit under the arms and saved from a possible bankruptcy, also acts in the later stages as the guardian of fiscal policy and important reforms. While today the financial system totters around the world, to intervene in many countries, the state, and large companies need to pull the ripcord, the Turkish banking system has proved to be stable during the crisis. Since the Turkish mortgage system subprime loans are not permitted and the banking system is well regulated, remained Turkish banks from the crisis largely spared. Only less than half a percent of the real estate lending in Turkey are in financial difficulties. The Turkish banking institutions were restructured during the economic crisis of 2001 and strengthened. A number of key structural reforms have been initiated to improve the system. For example, many institutions were taken over by the state, mergers and acquisitions which took place and the equity ratio was increased (2007 the average was 18.8 %). The core business was accelerated; risk transactions which could be made due to the harsh regulations were very limited. Thanks to these reforms, Turkish banks were no t directly affected by the current crisis, but lead to a decline in business due to the decrease in the number of lending’s (Bekmen, Akà §a, Ãâ€"zden; 2013). Noteworthy is the development after the reforms, because a lot of foreign capital flowed particularly in the banking sector and this explains the sharp increase in foreign direct investments in recent years in Turkey. In 2007, the investment reached a record level of 21.9 billion U.S. dollars. Foreign investors hold more than 40 % of the total capital in the banking sector. Figure 2. Turkish GDP development, Source: Martina Bozadzhieva; emerging markets insights; 2012 In the last five years before the global economic crisis, Turkey has the ideal conditions used well through the restructuring and recorded an average growth rate of the gross domestic product of 6.9 % and also reported a sharp decline in inflation to single digit level. The increasing integration into world trade, played a major role as the taller economic stability, as well as the ever- progressing implementation of structural reforms, such as the liberalization of major industries and the banking sector. But Turkey harbors in its economic and political composition and hazards. It is always susceptible to both external and internal shocks. Thus, the economic fundamentals are still behind those of the so-called BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) countries. In addition, the enormous dependence on foreign capital, inflationary pressures re-occurring and the risks of political unrest as a constant accompaniment of Turkey and a disruptive positive development of the economy happened . A worsening of these conditions, easily lead to the absence of important foreign capital inflows. Regardless of the development in Turkey is currently also observed that the investors the means are assumed due to the global economic crisis and therefore supposedly riskier assets such as be exchanged in Turkey against secure government bonds denominated in U.S. dollars or Euros. So Turkey suffered here indirectly from the crisis. 2.2. Political Environment The political developments in Turkey were always filled with special explosiveness of it is domestic stability but also economic stability dependence. Most of the political environments are more of a risk for the development of Turkey. The overdosed striving for power of Turkish politicians, and corruption instead of profit reforms, the Kurdish issue, the disparity between East and West, but also in particular the role of the Turkish military form regularly uncertainties for outside observers and investors. So the military has already taken three times with military interventions influence on the government and in a fourth time in 1997 by threat of a coup, the government moved to withdraw. For the democracy in the country and security of the markets, these are not supportive measures. In Turkey, took place 2009 nationwide local elections on March 29. The result was this: the ruling Justice and Development Party structure (AKP) of Prime Minister Erdogan remains with 38.79 % at the top and despite vocal losses it retains a clear edge over the opposition. The opposition Republican Peoples Party (CHP) reached in these elections only 23.13 % and 16.05 % voted for the right-wing Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). The Democratic Peoples Party (DTP) was 5.67%, while the Islamist Felicity Party (SP) got 5.16 % of votes. The success of the AKP can be attributed to their closeness to the people. However, there are nationwide protests as soon as the Islamization makes itself felt. Because the Turkish people, which is indeed tied to religious values, it does not tolerate radical Islamisation (Richards, Waterbury, Cammett, Diwan; 2013). In particular, the official opening of accession negotiations with the EU and the efforts to enforce the necessary reforms convinced the elector ate. However, it should be noted here that the AKP, like other parties, has also its own â€Å"nepotism built. The opposition has special attention paid during the election campaign to make the electorate to such events carefully. The people today no longer has confidence in the CHP, the campaign was rather unsuccessful. The CHP, founded by Ataturk is considered too â€Å"foreign national perceived, as their efforts do not comply with the wishes of the faithful Turks. It is irreligious and rejects both privatization, foreign direct investment, as well as the EU requirements. Just tried at one time point at which Turkey to integrate into the world economy and to attract foreign capital flows, the setting of the CHP is undesirable. The nationalist MHP is especially popular in provinces in which the Kurdish internal migration rate is high. The Kurds, an estimated 20 %, that is, Represented 10-15 million of the total population, mostly choose the DTP, but the religious among them trust the AKP. The radical DTP is alleged to that it is under terrorist influences, the nationalists are a good excuse to stamp Kurds as separatists. Turkey has now assumed an important position in world politics. Thanks to its geographical location, Turkey is an â€Å"intersection† in different regions: the Middle East, Caucasus, Russia, the Balkans and Europe. For this reason, the Turkish foreign policy by the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu as a multidimensional† is referred to, EU accession negotiations on one hand and growing cooperation with other regions on the other. Especially in the Middle East, Turkey has extended its influence, by taking on, for example, the role of mediator in the peace negotiations between Israel and Syria. However, the commitment of the Turkish government in other regions is not a sign of a turning away from the West. After joining the EU is one of the main objectives of Turkish foreign policy. This can also be seen in the efforts of the government to speed up the reform process. In October 2005, the EU formally opened accession negotiations with Turkey. Expert opinions consequence is a conclusion of negotiations with a final political decision at the earliest possible in ten years. Major points of criticism are still the Cyprus conflict, fighting corruption, institutional reform and freedom of religion. In addition, Germany and France obstruct been categorically as heavyweights of the EU towards the EU Turkey accession and prefer a privileged partnership between the candidate countries. Since the talks began, 10 of the 35 negotiating chapters have already been opened and already completed one (science and research). What should be noted is that a prospect of EU membership, the Turkish real estate market offers a lot of imagination for capital gains and progressive success in negotiations is likely to give new impetus to the sector. Thus, it was observed that, for example, after the commencement of accession negotiations for EU membership of Bulgaria in 1999 and shortly before announcement of the accession to the EU, real estate prices in Bulgaria have increased significantly in 2005. Although the EU has been provided only for 2007, prices went even advance on speculation in the air. From 2003 to 2004, a price jump of 80 percent was recorded in the following year, after all, still an average of 36 percent. A similar effect cannot be ruled out for the Turkish property market, even if have already taken place in recent years, significant price increases regardless of EU accession negotiations (McKiernan, Purg; 2013).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Consumer Decision On Phones :: essays research papers

Due to the speed of technological advances nowadays, it is increasing difficult for anyone to predict the marketing strategy for an electronic device. As for telephones today, they are becoming more and more sophisticated in both capabilities and application of these capabilities. A potential buyer is nevertheless confronted with decisions – cordless or non-cordless, caller ID or no caller ID and so on. Well, by analyzing this market through an economist’s point of view, the quality of product almost always grow directly according to price. To analyze the 1999 phone market fully using the neoclassical approach, many factors would have to be discussed. As discussed in the Time article by Katie Hafner, â€Å"Everything but a Dial: Phone Choices†, telephone prices ranges are related to their capabilities. The amount of consumption of these various goods solely depends on the price and the utility that consumers receive from purchasing the product. When deciding to purchase a telephone, a consumer would most likely to separate telephone capabilities into different categories first and then choose from a selection of phones that best suit their needs (their utility). The amount of goods sold by a company would depend on the price of the phone and how it competes with other companies in the market. Therefore, in order to effectively market a new line of telephones, the capabilities of a telephone and its price must be taken into consideration. First, a research must be done on consumer preference and what population it would be served. Empirical data must show a significant number of demand for a specific capability before the production is run (ex. whether if there are enough couch potatos in United States that desire a telephone which is integrated into a remote control for the television). Second, the price of the new product must be competitive in the market. By comparing the new line of product to its competitors, the price should be set at a level that is weighted according to its unique functions. Henceforth, it is with these above factors in consideration that a company will be able to do business more successfully. Since this is not a perfect world, consumers do not have perfect information about the products they have purchased. In addition, there are important issues that the neoclassic theory of consumer demand failed to address above. The neoclassic theory of consumer demand cannot predict the demand for new products and explain the theory of ‘want creation’ through advertising and effective marketing.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Artificial Intelligence paper

The design of the system was the result of a project funded by the Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology . It will operate in the National Center of Immediate Assistance (KEBAB in Greek), which deals with emergency medical incidents by coordinating and routing ambulances to appropriate hospitals and health units as well as offering medical care to patients during their transport to hospitals. Our research unit was mainly responsible for designing the GIS subsystem, which constitutes the primary focus of this paper.The paper is an extended version of one presented at Delegate 2000 (Drinkers, Gorillas, Makers, Presents, Siestas, & Disallows, 2000). An operation with substantial importance for the handling of emergency incidents is the routing of an ambulance to an incident site and from there to the closest appropriate hospital. The optimal routes correspond to minimum required transportation times. Finding such routes may prove to be time-consuming in the case of large cities s uch as Athens with very dense road networks.However, by exploiting recent advances in the field of data structures, the performance of a shortest-path algorithm in terms of the required computational time can be significantly enhanced. The incorporation of the enhanced shortest-path algorithm thin the GIS will lower our system's response time, thus increasing its inability. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly presents primary aspects of a Gig's facilities in modeling and analyzing spatial networks. In Section 3 the overall integrated system is described. Section 4 deals with the GIS subsystem and describes its key functions.Section 5 briefly explains how the performance of a shortest-path algorithm can be enhanced, while Section 6 demonstrates how to incorporate this enhanced algorithm within a commercial GIS such as Raccoon. Finally, Section 7 summarizes the results of the project. . Modeling and analysis of spatial networks GIS technology integrates common databa se operations such as query and statistical analysis with the unique visualization and geographic analysis benefits offered by maps (SERIES Web site; Franklin, 1992; Mueller, 1993). Among other things, a GIS facilitates the modeling of spatial networks (e. . Road networks), Other partners in this project were the University of Piraeus, the National Technical University of Athens, the Aristotle University of Thessalonians and the companies ITCH G. Drinkers et al. / Compute. , Environ. And Urban Systems 25 (2001) 267-278 69 offering algorithms to query and analyze them. Spatial networks are modeled with graphs. In the case of road networks, the graph's arcs correspond to street segments whereas the nodes correspond to street segment intersections. Each arc has a weight associated with it, representing the impedance (cost) of traversing it.In most cases, an arc's impedance is a function of the corresponding street segment's length and traffic volume. A GIS usually provides a number of tools for the analysis of spatial networks. It generally offers tools to find the shortest or minimum impedance route wrought a network and heuristic procedures to find the most efficient route to a series of locations, commonly called the traveling salesman problem. Allocation functions assign portions of the network to a resource supply location and tracing tools provide a means to determine whether one location in a network is connected to another.Distance matrix calculation can be used to calculate distances between sets of origins and destinations whereas location-allocation functions determine site locations and assign demand to sites. Moreover, street addresses can be converted to map coordinates (address coding). Finally, dynamic segmentation operations offer ways of modeling events (e. G. Pavement quality, speed zones) along routes (SERIES Web site). These capabilities of GIS for analyzing spatial networks enable them to be used as decision support systems for the districti ng and routing of vehicles (Grassland, Wynn, & Perkins, 1995; Keenan, 1996, 1998). . The overall integrated system Up till now, Kebab's employees were using paper maps and their own experience in order to achieve the effective routing and districting of ambulances. However, these two functions, which constitute significant areas in the field of decision support yeasts (Eom, Lee, & Kim, 1993), require the integration of a computer-based system with geographic analysis and visualization tools and a telecommunication network. The operation of the integrated system will automate and enhance many of Kebab's services. The system's architecture is depicted in Fig. 1.It is based on the integration of GIS, GASP and GSM technologies. The GASP and GSM technologies will be used to transmit the exact positions of ambulances to the GIS operating in Kebab's Operations Center. The integration of these technologies enables the management of vehicles such as many trucks, patrol cars and ambulances (H auberk, 1995). All these applications are parts of the new emerging disciplines of teleprocessing and telecommunication (Laurie, 1999, 2000; Tanzania, 2000). Each ambulance will be equipped with a GASP receiver to determine its exact position based on the signal transmitted by satellites.In addition, it will have a GSM modem in order to transmit its position to the base station in the Operations Center. This will be achieved through the GSM network. Furthermore, through the GSM network other be equipped with a computer or a 270 Fig. 1 . The overall integrated system. Mobile data terminal to display the route computed by the GIS operating in the Operations Center. Kebab's Operations Center will exchange data with the ambulances through the GSM network. It will receive the ambulance positions and will use the GIS to perform the functions described in Section 4.The optimal route calculated for a specific ambulance will be transmitted to it. In the Operations Center there will be a comp uter dedicated to communication with the ambulances and another one for the operation of the GIS. In addition, there will be one or more computers for the operation of the database management system (DB'S) containing data used by the GIS. Nowadays, most GIS software packages offer a rich set of tools and extensions, enabling the incorporation of GASP data and offering real-time tracking capabilities.SERIES Archive, for instance, offers an extension called Tracking Analyst that allows direct feed and playback of real-time data within the Archive GIS environment (SERIES Web site). The system's architecture follows the centralized approach (Laurie, 2000; Tanzania, 2000) whereby a control center (in our case Kebab's Operations Center) coordinates the fleet of mobile vehicles. Data from the vehicles and sensors are sent to this center and, after being evaluated, data and instructions are transmitted to the vehicles. A strong point of this architecture is the easiness with which it is des igned. 71 However, the danger of a crash in the control center constitutes a major weakness (Lament, 2000; -rant, 2000). 4. The GIS subsystem The GIS will make use of various data that are either stored in spatial databases and DB'S or transmitted through the GSM network. Spatial data will cover the road network, the locations of hospitals and medical centers, the positions of ambulances, he distribution of incidents occurring in the past, the distribution of population characteristics (e. G. Demographic characteristics or disease spreading), and locations of various landmarks.Basic spatial data for the road network relate to intersections and the road segments are coded based on intersection type (e. G. Railroad crossing, street intersection) and the type of traffic control device present (e. G. Stop sign, stop light). Road segments form the framework for a number of other geographic features defined using route systems. Street names, for instance, are defined as routes. Along them speed zones ND speed limit signs are recorded as linear and point events, respectively. In addition, lanes are recorded as linear events along these routes.Since the majority of streets are only two-lane residential streets, only sections with more than two lanes are recorded. Another important aspect is the recording of the locations of hospitals and gas stations. Moreover, address information related to the road network is being stored, facilitating coding operations. Data concerning road traffic will be very useful for the routing of ambulances. These data will be updated by processing traffic statistics and simultaneously taking into inconsideration online data deriving from traffic sensors installed on the road network.The National Technical University of Athens has installed loop sensors on the road network of Athens, providing essential information on traffic conditions. Traffic data will be stored in a DB'S. Data pertaining to events such as road works or demonstrations tha t also affect road traffic will be made available from the municipality or the police. Data concerning hospitals, ambulances, and their personnel will also be stored in the DB'S and used by the GIS whenever it is necessary. Information linking conventional loophole numbers with addresses is also stored in a DB'S.Its importance will become evident in the next section. Some of the primary functions performed by the GIS operating in KEBAB will be the following: 1 . Depiction on a map of ambulance positions and hospital locations. Useful queries that will be performed include the display of information about an ambulance or a hospital chosen from the map, locating all ambulances positioned within a block, all ambulances that are closer to a hospital or some other spot, etc. Different symbols will be used for displaying an ambulance, 272 2. 3. 4. . 6. Pending on its status: an ambulance may be standing by, handling an incident, or tools of the GIS will take into consideration the data co ncerning the road network, past incident distribution, population distribution, hospital locations, locations of gas stations and traffic conditions and will propose efficient distributions of ambulances. A variety of criteria should be considered in order to perform this operation. For example, areas where many incidents take place should be allocated more ambulances. A densely populated area entails a higher probability of an incident occurring.Additionally, an area's urban planning affects the way incidents are handled. Areas close to major streets facilitate ambulance access to whereas areas with narrow streets inhibit it. If the administrator of the GIS chooses to distribute ambulances according to his/her own criteria, the depiction on the map of all the available information and the interaction with the GIS will be of significant assistance. Finding the site of the incident. Based on the address given by the person calling Kebab's Operations Center for help, the GIS can use a ddress coding functions to find the incident's coordinates on the map.However, in many cases the person calling for help may be at a loss for words and thus unable to give precise information about the site of the incident. Therefore, the system should include a mechanism for matching a call to an address. The DB'S linking conventional telephone numbers with addresses will facilitate this matching. Things are more complicated if the call is made from a cellular phone, however. In this case, the assistance of the cellular phone providers will be required in order to match a caller's location to the closest address or landmark. Choosing the appropriate ambulance to Andre an emergency incident.According to ambulance positions, the type and location of the incident and traffic conditions, the GIS finds the ambulance requiring the least time to reach the site of the incident. The choice of ambulance depends on the type of incident because some ambulances are equipped to handle special em ergency cases. Routing an ambulance to the incident site and from there to the closest appropriate hospital. The GIS will be used to find the optimal routes corresponding to minimum required transportation time. The distance as well as traffic data will be taken into account. The appropriate hospital will furthermore depend on the type of incident.Such information will be derived from communication through the GSM network between the ambulance personnel and the personnel in the Operations Center. The GIS can also present the driver with directions corresponding to the routes generated (e. G. Go straight ahead, turn right to Armor Street, etc. ). These directions will be transmitted to the ambulance. In a real- time system like ours, the time performance of the routing function is of vital significance. Generation of statistics regarding incidents. The GIS, in cooperation with the DB'S annotating incident records, can significantly assist in the statistical analysis of incidents.Cons equently, important conclusions supporting the ambulance districting can be obtained. 5. The most efficient implementation of Disaster's algorithm An operation with substantial importance for the handling of emergency incidents is the routing of an ambulance to an incident site and from there to the closest appropriate hospital. The optimal routes correspond to minimum required transportation times. Finding such routes may prove to be time-consuming in the case of large cities such as Athens with very dense road networks. A real-time system however, must be able to give a prompt reply to such queries.Disaster's algorithm is a simple and consequently easily implemented algorithm for finding shortest routes and is the most widely used in GIS software packages. Its performance depends on the data structures (e. G. Heaps or priority queues) used to implement the graph representing the spatial network. By exploiting recent advances in the field of data structures the performance of a sig nificantly enhanced. We assume that we are given a graph with n nodes, m arcs, and integral arc lengths in the range [0,.. C], where C is the largest arc length. This graph represents the road network.Boris V. Characters, Andrew V. Goldberg and Craig Silversides developed the hot queue data structure (Characters, Goldberg, & Silversides, 1996, 1999) that combines the best features of heaps and multi-level buckets (Denary & Fox, 1979) in a natural way. They proved in theory that if C is very small compared to n, the data structure performs as a multi-level bucket structure. If C is very large, the data structure performs as the heap used in it. For intermediate values of C, the data structure performs better than either the heap or the multi-level jacket structure.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Top 10 Grammatical and Spelling Errors of 2011

Top 10 Grammatical and Spelling Errors of 2011 In December 2010 I posted the Top 10 Grammar and Spelling Errors from 2010 and got a record number of hits on my blog and â€Å"likes† on facebook. In the past year as The Essay Expert, I’ve collected a new batch of errors.   I did repeat a couple of things from 2010 that were so persistent I just had to repeat myself! I write these lists in the hope that people will implement what they learn and produce better essays, better resumes, and overall better written materials.   Improved writing gets results when it comes to obtaining jobs, getting into school, landing new clients and keeping the customers youve got.   So read up! 10.   Advice vs. Advise Here’s a note from one of my loyal readers, Christine, who requested that I mention this common mix-up: â€Å"Advice is a noun. An example would be: ‘Brenda provided very useful advice regarding spelling errors.’ Advise is a verb. An example would be: ‘Brenda can you please advise your readers about similarly misused words?’† Thank you Christine for your contribution to my yearly list! 9.   Your vs. You’re You’re is a contraction for â€Å"you are.†Ã‚   If you’re using the word to mean â€Å"you are† (2 words), write it as a contraction.   E.g., Do you know that you’re about to miss the 5:00 train? Your is a possessive pronoun.   E.g., Your train is leaving in 2 minutes. 8.   Tenet vs. Tenant Even our president messed this one up.   A tenet is a belief or ideal of faith.   Tenants rent from landlords.   See The President Makes Grammatical Errors Too. 7.   Sign up vs. sign-up I see this one on the web all the time and it drives me a bit batty.   Sign up is a verb.   Sign-up is an adjective that modifies a noun like form or sheet.   Correct:   â€Å"Sign up here for news and updates† or Go to our sign-up page to register.   Incorrect: â€Å"Sign-up here for news and updates† or Go to our sign up page to register.   For similar examples of proper (and improper) use of phrasal verbs, read my article, Check out this Phrasal Verb Breakdown. 6.   Everyday vs. Every day I wrote a whole article about this one too: Common Grammatical Errors:   Everyday vs. Every Day.   Everyday is an adjective meaning â€Å"common† or â€Å"day-to-day.†   As I’m sure you know, people make everyday grammatical errors every day. 5. â€Å"This† without a referent Make sure that if you use the word This to start a sentence, you help your reader understand what you’re referring to!   The best practice is to use a referent after the word This.   Incorrect:   This will ensure your sentences are understood.   Correct:   This practice will ensure your sentences are understood. 4.   Verbage Verbage does NOT mean â€Å"words†!   Although the OED does have an entry for â€Å"verbage† as a â€Å"rare alternate spelling of verbiage,† Merriam-Webster does not even acknowledge the existence of the word. Verbiage, often misused as well, means excess language. The jury is out as to whether the phrase â€Å"excess verbiage† is redundant- but I’m sticking to it. 3.   Apostrophes (that’s not apostrophe’s!) to make plural nouns With some exceptions which I won’t go into here, plural nouns are formed by adding an s or es to the singular form of the noun–NOT by adding an apostrophe!   The plural of parent is parents; the plural of computer is computers; and the plural of Wednesday is Wednesdays.   No apostrophe needed!   Conversely, possessives ARE formed by adding an apostrophe s.   To speak about an author’s intent, for instance, use the apostrophe s. 2.   Myself Think for a few seconds before you use the word myself in place of me at the end of a sentence.   A sentence like â€Å"George was speaking to my friend Lucy and myself† is grammatically incorrect.   Replacing me with myself has become common, perhaps as an attempt to avoid using the word me.   Think about it.   You would say â€Å"George was speaking to me† so just say â€Å"George was speaking to my friend Lucy and me† NOT   George was speaking to my friend Lucy and myself.   The parts of speech don’t change just because another person was added to the sentence! 1. Comma splice I can’t tell you how often my clients string two full, complete sentences together with a comma.   This error is called a comma splice.   (See Writing Tips:   How to Use Commas and Semicolons Part 2.)   Here’s an example:   â€Å"Simply observing my surroundings was not enough for me, I needed to know how things worked and why they worked in that specific way.† The correct way to punctuate this sentence is â€Å"Simply observing my surroundings was not enough for me; I needed to know how things worked and why they worked in that specific way.† Two full sentences should most often get separated by a period or a semicolon; do NOT use a comma! I look forward to your comments and â€Å"likes.† Best wishes for a grammatically correct 2012!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Brenda Category:UncategorizedBy Brenda BernsteinDecember 26, 2011 7 Comments Kimberly says: December 27, 2011 at 8:25 am Thank you so much for this article. Writing (and speaking) correctly is so important. Question: Verbiage: The verbiage of the document was very clear. Thank you for your expertise. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: December 27, 2011 at 10:33 am Thank you for your question Kimberly. In your sentence, I would say The meaning of the document was very clear, or The document was very clearly written, or The language in the document was very clear, or The author used very clear language in the document. Im sure there are many other choices as well! Log in to Reply Ann says: December 27, 2011 at 11:13 am You have helped me so much this year. You have cleared up many of the mistakes that I had made for years. Thank you for this and all your other posts. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: December 27, 2011 at 11:19 am Youre welcome Ann! Glad to be making a contribution! Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: December 27, 2011 at 6:05 pm Thanks for the comment Joan. To me, George was speaking to my friend Lucy and me sounds nicely informal, as well as grammatically correct! Log in to Reply Penelope J. says: December 27, 2011 at 8:34 pm How about misuse of the word I as in George was speaking to my friend Lucy and I? More and more often, I seem to be hearing the pronoun I used in place of me. On occasion, even I get confused as to what is now considered correct grammar. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: December 27, 2011 at 8:52 pm Thanks Penelope. I covered that one in last years list so let it be this year 🙂 Log in to Reply

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Principal Parts of Verbs

The Principal Parts of Verbs In English grammar, the term principal parts  describes the basic forms of a verb including the base or infinite, the past tense or preterite and the past participle. From the base form, one can derive the third-person singular -s form in words like looks and sees and the present participle -ing in words like looking and seeing, with some textbooks regarding the present participle as a fourth principal part of a verb. Irregular verbs may have three, four, or five forms, though, depending on whether or not a form is used for two or three form types. For all except the verb be, which may be unpredictable, the s- and -ing participle are always available and its alteration of the base acts predictably. Understanding Principal Parts of Regular and Irregular Verbs In order for new English learners to best understand how not to make mistake when conjugating irregular verbs, one must first grasp the concept of the principal parts of regular verbs. In most cases, verbs will change uniformly when -ed, -s, and -ing are added, keeping their original form spelling but changing the tense of the verb. However, irregular verbs, which defy the usual pattern, often change spelling entirely depending on tense, especially in the case of forms of the verb be. Roy Peter Clark uses the examples of lie and lay and run in The Glamour of Grammar: A Guide to the Magic and Mystery of Practical English. For run, Clark states, the simple past, we know, is not runned...the principal parts are run, ran, run. In this case, the irregular verb has its own rules. If you are confused about the correct principal part of a verb, its best to consult a dictionary. In the case of regular verbs, only one form will be given, but irregular verbs will give the second and third parts after the verb such as it does for the words go, went, and gone. Primary and Perfect Tenses The principal parts of verbs effectively carry a sense of time with their use, but the manner in which they convey  the action of the verb determines which tense classification linguists and grammarians categorize them as either primary or perfect in either the present, past, or future tenses. In the primary tenses, an action is considered ongoing, even if it occurred in the past or future tense. Take the verb call as an example. For the present tense, one would say today, I call, while in the past primary tense, one would say I called and in future would say I will call. On the other hand, perfect tenses describe actions that have already been completed. As Patricia Osborn puts it in How Grammar Works: A Self-Teaching Guide, verbs in this tense are called perfect because anything perfect is complete, and the perfect tenses stress an action at its completion. In the example of call, one would say Before now, I have called, for present perfect, I had called for past perfect and I will have called in the future perfect tense.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Philosophy - Assignment Example He gets emotional because his son thinks he is a good dad but the society in general doesn’t believe that homosexuals can be good parents. Shaw tries to cheer up the mood. Brady reveals that his marriage is a fraud but he will continue to play along because it is the right thing to do. His wife is expecting another baby. Their conversation ends on a dilemma that if Brady reveals his sexual orientation he might lose his family but if he doesn’t he will abandon a part of himself. The conversation ends and they both depart. The essay is written in the narrative rhetoric, filled with dialogues and history about the characters. Giving insight to an adult homosexual male probably could not have been done with other rhetorical modes. It is more emotional than critical or argument-driven. As the famous philosopher says that one needs three things to convince someone; credibility, logic and emotional appeal. In this case the emotional appeal dominates the rest. It creates empathy in the readers for Brady. Shaw has not touched the philosophical debate on homosexuality as either right or wrong. She has only given an insight to the life a homosexual man who apparently has a wonderful family but his homosexual nature is restless. There are many instances where Shaw gives the narrative. For instance she brings in the comparison between Brady and David. David is mentioned to strengthen the narrative that he is a confident gay male while Brady is shy. Shaw calls him â€Å"very gay† (paragraph 8). Just like a fictional story, the use of dialogues to describe personality has been used extensively. For instance Brady’s own words are quoted to describe what sort of a person he is. On not telling his wife about his homosexuality he says; Had Shaw used any other mode like exposition, argumentation or description it would have either created a debate or it would have lacked the emotional appeal.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Admission questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Admission questions - Essay Example Since the role and responsibilities of a public affairs research analyst includes analyzing and creating a general program on state legislative issues that will help support the entire State and Local government affairs, it is crucial on my part to have a good insight with regards to how public policies are being created. To enable me achieve my professional goal, I intend to work in the local government as a researcher on government-related affairs. Having at least one or two years of work experience in this field will increase my internet research skills which is necessary in keeping myself updated with the current political issues that is going on in our country. Aside from strengthening my oral and written communication skills, taking the job as a researcher will allow me to become more familiar with regards to the process behind the state legislative regulations. Back in 1951, six European states came into an economic agreement forming the European Union (EU). Today, there are 27 countries across European continent as members of the EU (Central Intelligence Agency). These countries include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and UK (ibid). Given that the concept of integrating the socio-economic and political activities of 27 countries into a single body is new, the European Union is going through a trial and errors process in order for them to be able to establish a single policy that will effectively work well for all members of the union. As a nation, political groups are expected to create balance and harmony between socio-economic rights and civil rights of the local citizens. I it understandable that establishing a single political group is necessary

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Literature Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Literature - Research Paper Example † For many African-Americans, America is their home, their mistress, and yet it is also a place of slavery and pain. Garvey-esque escapes to Africa or Jamaica were the province of some, but for most others, the hope was that the promise of America would, like a check marked â€Å"Insufficient Funds†, ultimately be paid them. America was both a land of freedom and a source of oppression and segregation; a land of prosperity and opportunity, and the source of their dreadful poverty; a place of great knowledge, and also of great ignorance. Thematic elements such as Blake's tiger and the bread, a Biblical reference, ground the theme in classical Black cultural traditions such as usage of the imagery of the Bible both to represent the oppressors and liberation from the oppressors (Levine, 1978). Indeed, there is an understanding in McKay's poem that the very sources of oppression could themselves provide the seeds of liberation, the very ideologies that presently kept the Neg ro down being able to be deployed to make clear the necessity for and justice of their liberation. â€Å"Her vigor flows like tides into my blood, /Giving me strength erect against her hate†. The same entity hurting him also gives him vital strength and inspiration, providing a philosophy of freedom, equality, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. McKay makes clear that he does not hate America, despite its oppression. â€Å"Her bigness sweeps my being like a flood. / Yet as a rebel fronts a king in state, /I stand within her walls with not a shred / Of terror, malice, not a word of jeer†. By lifting revolutionary imagery, McKay reminds the reader that America was not always a counter-revolutionary actor that served to oppress, a conservative place, but was the home of rebellion. The use of the word â€Å"bigness† implies not only sheer size and power, but also magnanimity. McKay finally offers a warning much like the warning offered by Ozymandias. â€Å"Darkly I gaze into the days ahead, /And see her might and granite wonders there, /Beneath the touch of Time's unerring hand, / Like priceless treasures sinking in the sand†. McKay predicts that the days ahead will be a time of decline, a warning that if America cannot provide a dream of justice, Time will strike it down. Thus, imagery, language, metaphor, symbolism, and references to culture makes the sonnet form that McKay uses pregnant with liberatory meaning. Langston Hughes was one of the most gifted poets of his generation and certainly stands the test of time among the great poets of any generation. Like many great poets, adversity and need shaped and channeled his writing: He was discussing poverty, racism, oppression, segregation, discrimination, dehumanization, and daily assaults on dignity and humanity, as well as hoping to provide a vision forward. His use of language was essential to combine all these tasks. â€Å"Harlem†, one of his most seminal poems, opens, â⠂¬Å"What happens to a dream deferred?† The poem is so short that every single stanza and word deserves careful attention and commentary. Hughes is using both

Monday, October 28, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example for Free

Fahrenheit 451 Essay Fahrenheit 451 is a book that was published by Ray Bradbury in 1953. This book tells the story in which intellectual thought and books are illegal. According to the book, the futuristic firemen have the responsibility of setting fire to the books and any place that they reside. Numerous significant symbols occur in this book. In my opinion, fire, the Hearth and the Salamander, and the Phoenix are three of the most important symbols. The title of the book is an important symbol in and of itself. Ray Bradbury titled the book Fahrenheit 451 because 451 degrees Fahrenheit is the temperature at which paper burns. Fire is a symbol of destruction. It’s significant because the main character, Guy Montag, and the rest of the firemen burn books because they are illegal. When seventeen-year-old Clarisse McClellan asks if Montag ever reads any of the books he burns, he laughs and replies â€Å"That’s against the law!† When Clarisse and Montag begin to talk more, Montag is taken aback by the different knowledge that Clarisse expresses to him. She tells him that firemen used to be sent out to stop fires, not start them. Montag couldn’t fight the sudden burning curiosity that over took all of his past beliefs. He began to collect books from each book burning and read them. The Hearth and the Salamander is the title of the first section of the book. Hearths are fireplaces that are traditionally placed in the center of the home and are a source of warmth. They represent the constructive use of fire, which Clarisse unintentionally shows Montag. After walking and talking with Clarisse, he realizes that he is not happy. The book states, â€Å"He felt his smile slide away, melt, fold over and down on itself like a tallow skin, like the stuff of a fantastic candle burning too long and now collapsing and now blown out. Darkness. He was not happy.† The salamander on the other hand was once believed to be able to live in fire without being consumed by it. This represents the destructive side of fire. Salamanders are the names given to the fire trucks and are the official symbols of the firemen. When Clarisse meets Montag for the first time the book describes her as being, â€Å"hypnotized by the salamander on his arm.† The Phoenix is a huge symbol that is mentioned in the novel. Toward the end of the story, the city is completely destroyed. The Phoenix was a mystical bird that would burn itself up and then rise again. Granger explains the legend of the Phoenix to Montag when they are watching the fire. It’s used to symbolize the renewal of mankind. Like the Phoenix, they have the ability to rise from the ashes, and rebuild their society. These extremely significant symbols are what make the novel a fantastic story. Fire, the Hearth and the Salamander, and the Phoenix are three symbols that I chose to go into detail about. They each express a different meaning of the book. The thought of firemen starting fires is something that could possibly change when rebuilding the city. At the end of the book they have one thing in mind and that is to change people’s minds about books.