Monday, February 24, 2020

On killing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

On killing - Essay Example Grossman has utilized Milgram’s experiment of obedience as his research base. According to Milgram’s findings, humans obey authority and inflict pain on the subject without the rational evidence, but only due to obligatory requirement. Thus, Freud’s intuitive theory of human nature contradicts with this dichotomy, which emphasis that undue submission and pressure by authority evokes rebelliousness in the subordinates (Grossman, p.142). The author also lays an emphasis on the dichotomy of human intrinsic defence mechanism; this enables individuals to either fight for their survival in a threatening environment or escape from it, which is either due to fear or strategic aversion of killing another human being (Ibid, p.143). Another unanticipated fact about killing in a war is that without a leader’s direction, soldiers often feel without a sense of direction. Hence, become incapable of determining their own action, which shows the abrupt nature of humans to require authority, set path for direction and specific guidelines to react or respond in certain situations (Ibid, p.145). Leaders possess or influence subordinates in both physiological and psychological manner. Their presence can persuade subordinates to act in the most violate manner and can also impede them from violation. The repute of a leader or authority, the nature of demand of killing from the authority and authenticity of leader’s command act as the sound and rational bases for a subordinate to follow the commandment of a leader without consolidating it with his own belief or values (ibid, p.145). In addition, the author has also signified the importance of posture and submission process along with killing or fleeing mechanism in the time of war or life threatening situation. The hostility of a being is detected through its basic nature, posture or level of fear. Thus, one can determine that a baboon and rooster do not tend to attack

Friday, February 7, 2020

PERSONAL REFLECTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

PERSONAL REFLECTION - Essay Example The course increased my ability to lead a workforce in an organization, especially based on an engineering environment for which I have a background. The course content opened me to think about my personal style of leadership. Based on what I learnt, I realized that my philosophical approach to leadership can be described as laissez-faire; a rather laid back approach that dwells on adequate information supply but indirect involvement in the affairs of an entity. The leadership style bestows trust on other members of staff and provides feedback on a regular basis, commending and criticizing staffs based on their performances (Famiza, Kassim and Nasharudin, 3). My nature of leadership could develop further through adoption of more technology-guided means of data acquisition for timely reporting of information. I deem I need to get more acquainted with more social media platforms and integrate email and virtual communication forums such as Skype into the regular reporting schedule. I feel I have inadequate knowledge of how best some of the platforms can be of use, and I’ll seek to learn this within a short time frame. I further realized that my notion of leadership lacked empathy, and I could often treat workers like people who cannot be allowed to fail at times. Upon attending the course, I realized that being empathetic creates room for quality reasoning, and helps me relate the events in other people’s lives to my own. I have learnt various qualities of good and bad leadership, and how each style could affect both relationships with staff members and customers and eventually affect the goals of the company. For instance, autocratic leadership leads to low staff morale, and affects both output and attitude towards customers. On the other hand, participative leadership allows input from all members, thereby ensuring that inclusivity is enhanced. I