Thursday, August 27, 2020

Recessions Definitions Causality and Treatments essays

Downturns Definitions Causality and Treatments papers One of the most well-known monetary terms, natural even to the most customary buyers of business data is that of a downturn.' In any case, the meaning of a downturn is more dubious than might at first be normal. A downturn isn't just a time of monetary compression, rather than a time of financial extension. As indicated by the Wall Street Journal feature of November 27, 2001, entitled It's a Kid! It's a Girl! No, It's a Recession! At the point when Will It Officially End' a downturn is commonly characterized as two back to back quarters of negative development in genuine GDP or Gross Domestic Product. Notwithstanding, the National Bureau of Economic Research or NBER characterizes a downturn as an across the board decrease in financial movement enduring more than a scarcely any months. The NBER doesn't just gander at the GDP. It likewise takes a gander at proportions of mechanical creation, business, genuine (swelling balanced) earnings less government advantages, and genuine discount and retail deals. Of course, these variables influence GDP over the long haul, however these elements will in general be progressively comprehensive when seen in their totality and furthermore have suggestions past that of a couple, limited months. This empowers the NBER to give an all the more away from of the U.S. financial future, instead of just As indicated by a similar article in the Wall Street Journal, the NBER said on November 23 of 2001 it was additionally fulfilled that the aggregate compression in the economy was adequate to justify the assurance that a downturn is in progress. The NBER has once in a while been off-base in characterizing an expanded downturn in the United States economy, maybe on the grounds that it looks at more far reaching financial elements than essentially GDP. What is strange about the current financial downturn, in any case, is that mechanical creation since its pinnacle the previous fall has been 6 percent, while modern creation was just 4.6 percent on normal over the course o... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Research Paper Sample - Things to Remember

Research Paper Sample - Things to RememberSo many people are getting frustrated trying to research APA research papers. The problem is that there are so many out there and they all require different types of requirements in order to pass the paper. As a result, it is hard to understand the whole process or learn all that you need to know.That is why most of the time, people end up taking the research paper sample and going through the process of getting accepted for the specific paper. That's a good idea but you need to be able to understand what you are applying for. A lot of people don't know the first thing about the research paper sample and end up applying for something that doesn't even fit their requirements.It's easy to get bogged down with the research paper sample and you may not even be sure what you are looking for. That is why I decided to write this article. I hope that it will help you learn all about the sample and make sure that you take it to the most appropriate pl ace.You need to look for the research paper sample that matches your requirements the best. If you are just looking for the easiest type of paper then you can easily find one. However, you won't get the most perfect paper if you go down this route. In fact, you might end up getting the worst paper in the world.This is because most companies want a paper that is simple and easy to understand. It should also be as short as possible. In fact, they want to fill up the whole page so that it is as short as possible. This is where the research paper sample comes in.The research paper sample is designed for students and people who have no background in the subject. They're just looking for information about the information that they are going to use in their paper. For example, you can get a sample that looks at things like tax returns or travel abroad.While you can find these types of research paper samples, you can also get a research paper sample that is designed for people who have rese arched the subject before. There are some things that you should remember about these types of papers. First of all, the information that you are using should be based on previous studies. Things that are coming from real life situations shouldn't be used in your research paper.If you have never researched something before, you can always get a free research paper sample. You can often find these and it is very simple to download. Just remember that the research paper sample should be tailored to your requirements, it should not be someone else's opinion.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Malevolence of Cancer

Chapter by chapter guide Introduction Background Information on Cancer Common Causes and Symptoms of Cancer Research and Investigation on Cancer Recent Advances in Treatment or Cure of Cancer Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Cancer can be characterized as a lot of ailments which are brought about by uncontrolled development of cells in the body. The irregular cells in the body as a rule isolate wildly and influence other body tissues as they are spread exceptionally quick through body liquids for example the blood and the lymph. It is a condition that is exceptionally serious and represents an incredible level of passings world wide.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Malevolence of Cancer explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is the most alarming reason for death on the planet because of its belongings and indications and the way that it tends to be endured by each individual regardless old enough. It is the subsequent significant reaso n for passings after the coronary illness. There are different kinds of malignant growth (in excess of a hundred) which can be arranged as sarcoma which involves the disease that starts in connective tissues for example the bone and veins, leukemia which begins in tissues that manage blood development like the bone marrow, lymphoma which influences the insusceptible framework cells, malignancy of the focal sensory system that begins from the spinal string and cerebrum tissues, and carcinoma that begin from skin tissues (Anonymous 1). Foundation Information on Cancer All sorts of disease conditions start in body cells which are the most principal units of life. Malignant growth happens when typical body cells change and become disease cells. There are different sorts of cell that make up an individual’s body. The cells typically develop and isolate wildly delivering more cells that are fundamental for keeping up great wellbeing in the body. As the cells develop, they get old o r/and harmed and the arrangement of new cells is fundamental for their substitution. Malignancies anyway happens when the procedure of the development of a cell is upset or when it happens anomalous for example when the body cells neglect to bite the dust at the necessary time or when new cells are made when they are not required in the body. The abundance cells may prompt improvement of tumor which much of the time is destructive for example the threatening. Notwithstanding, not a wide range of malignant growth cause tumor. Malignant growth is certainly not another infection and has existed for a long time. The word malignancy follows its inception from Hippocrates who was a general professional from Greece. The absolute originally perceived and archived malignant growth case was in Egypt and it was on bosom cancer.Advertising Looking for explore paper on wellbeing medication? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The treatment that was promptly accessible was searing which used the guideline of consuming the influenced tissues. There was next to no data about malignancy rather than what is known today and the little that was accepted about it was in reality bogus for example, the individuals accepted that it was an infection brought about by the divine beings. Hippocrates likewise believed that malignant growth was brought about by the presence of overabundance dark bile in a specific spot in the body. Be that as it may, there has been a great deal of improvements and comprehension on the part of malignancy as examined later in this paper (Fayed 1). Basic Causes and Symptoms of Cancer Different sorts of malignancies share some regular attributes regarding causes and indications for example; the normal causes are; radiation, utilization of tobacco, infections, utilization of toxic mushrooms and synthetics like benzene. The regular manifestations then again incorporate; perspiring around evening time, weigh t reduction, and loss of craving, fever, exhaustion and chills (Grady 1). Research and Investigation on Cancer The malignant growth condition has pulled in a great deal of discussion and concerns and different people, gatherings and foundations have attempted some exploration and examinations on the issue to help answer addresses identified with it and give an unmistakable comprehension to every one of those included, for example, the clinical professionals, patients and even those associated with dealing with the casualties for instance family members and those in establishments that manage the influenced like the hospice or homes for the in critical condition. There have been different convictions on the part of malignant growth including the root, sources and even methods for treatment. It is for instance more outlandish for individuals to accept or comprehend that malignant growth can be brought about by yeast or even parasitic diseases. It is anyway evident that despite the fac t that malignant growth is accepted to have its starting point in hereditary cell changes it can likewise be brought about by different contaminations for example from microscopic organisms, molds, parasites, infections and even yeast as affirmed by Dr. Andrew Dannenberg who is a chief at the New York-Presbyterian hospital’s disease focus (Rudel 1).Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Malevolence of Cancer explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of the discoveries from the examination and examinations are as per the following; Leading malignancy associations in the United States of America for example the U.S. National Institute of Health and the National Cancer Institute declare that as of late there has been a decrease in the paces of the two conclusions and passing from all the different kinds of malignant growth in men, ladies and kids and furthermore on practically all the races and ethnic gatherings that establish the United St ates of America’s populace (Anonymous 2). The new instances of conclusions according to the year 2010 were 1,529,560 select of skin related malignant growths while the passings were 569,490 which are a lot of lower than the rates in the earlier years for example the World Health Organization assessed that there was a sum of 6.2 million kids, ladies and men who capitulated demise in the year 2000 (Delfino and Day 2). Most scientists have discovered that medications that are recommended for the avoidance or treatment of sicknesses brought about by contagious and bacterial diseases are liable for murdering malignancy cells. These drugs are accepted to balance tumors henceforth executing the malignancy cells. There has likewise been proof that specialists and other clinical professionals ordinarily utilize some off-base types of medicine in treatment of malignant growth and most beyond words to inappropriate treatment. A genuine model is the utilization of chemotherapy in treatme nt of various types of malignant growth though it has been demonstrated that it can not fix most disease types like bosom and lung malignancy (Rudel 1). Research has likewise indicated that supplements or dietary perspectives are of worry in our capacity to battle the malignancy experience. Poor measures in our sustenance for example low degrees of admission of certain supplements like nutrients, calories, minerals and proteins can make our bodies to be less viable in distinguishing and battling germs and contaminations. Individuals who come up short on certain supplements, that is, they don’t expend a decent eating regimen are bound to have a few contaminations including disease instead of those individuals who eat well and adjusted dinners. The utilization of prepared nourishments ought to be maintained a strategic distance from since basic supplements are generally missing in them and thusly not beneficial because of their insufficiency. The presence of harmed cells is lik ewise a factor that analysts have regarded to fuel the event of malignant growth as the cells become inclined to poisons and other destructive substances making them to form into dangerous conditions. This condition is risky as it displays all the perspectives related with malignancy as the cells don't work well and are inclined to diseases making an individual more vulnerable day by day.Advertising Searching for inquire about paper on wellbeing medication? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More The earth can likewise go about as a component that influences the disease condition for instance when the patient is presented to a dirtied and defiled condition, the person in question is bound to endure unfavorable impacts of the malignancy condition rather than a patient whose ecological conditions are not contaminated. Ongoing Advances in Treatment or Cure of Cancer Due to the risky impacts of malignant growth and the way that it guarantees a great deal of lives in various pieces of the world, both the created and the creating nations, there has been the need to think of methods for managing the circumstance. The treatment of malignancy has end up being a troublesome errand particularly because of the way that the patients appear to need any desire for showing signs of improvement as they for the most part have the mindset of kicking the bucket. There has anyway been an adjustment in recognition and individuals have begun accepting it as some other sickness as much data about it has been dispersed and individuals can take it emphatically realizing that there are methods for treating or diminishing its belongings. The conviction that malignant growth is a disgusting and dishonorable ailment is likewise a distant memory (Shapin 1). The treatment fluctuates based on the sort of malignant growth and the degree to which the disease has tainted a person, that is, the phase of the illness. For example, if the malignant growth influences a particular piece of the body and has not spread, medical procedure works best through evacuation of the influenced region, for example, the bosom. Radiation and chemotherapy are different structures that can be applied in treatment of malignant growth particularly where the disease has spread to different pieces of the body separated from the spot of beginning and medical procedure can't work. A few cases might be confounded and may require the mix radiation and chemotherapy or even medical procedure, radiation and chemotherapy (Grady 1). The mix-up comes in when the specialists worship a few types of treatment and use them inappropriately with the point of getting the normal outcomes for example the utilization of chemotherapy in treatment of malignancy have been believed to be accentuated by numerous specialists in any event, when it doesn't appear to work and different alternatives could be thought of. There has along been a

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Evaluation Of Ethical And Legal Rights - 2615 Words

CASE COMMENTARY ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION This case study is regarding the evaluation of ethical and legal rights, responsibilities, duties of those engaged in the medical profession. The case study deals with highlighting the relationship between the patient and doctor, and as a doctor his ethical responsibilities towards the patient which shall be discussed in detail. CASE STUDY For the purpose of this report, this case study deals with the patient meeting the doctor suffering from Acrochordon, which is a type of skin growth, commonly known as skin tags, and occur on people who suffer from obesity or who have this as a hereditary problem or at the time of pregnancy when a woman undergoes hormonal changes. It generally appears on the folds of the groin, on the base of the neck or under the breasts of females. These tags are soft, skin colored balloon like structures which are painless and are not at all cancerous in nature, but can be irritated through constant rubbing and may look odd in appearance. However, if the skin tag gets twisted on the stalk, it may cause a blood clot and can lead to the patient experiencing pain. There are a number of ways in which the same can be treated which are discussed below: †¢ Cauterization: In this procedure the skin tags or growths are removed using the method of electrolysis. †¢ Ligation: In this case the blood supply to the skin growth or skin tag may be cut off by tying the skin tag enabling it to fall off on its own. †¢ Cryosurgery:Show MoreRelatedThe Ethical Principles Of Psychologists And Code Of Conduct999 Words   |  4 Pageslack competency regarding the Code of Ethics, as well as other guidelines which can create ethical dilemmas in the future (Knapp VadeCreek, 2001). Additionally, these individuals lack competency regarding the roles of the forensic psychologist. The role of a forensic psychologist is to function as an expert witness by the means of conducting evaluations, as well as interpreting the results for the legal system. With this being said the information provided assist with the outcome of the defendantRead MoreThe Clean Power Of The Dominican Republic1524 Words   |  7 Pagesmajor concern. The Clean Power Company has lots of ethical decisions to make. The two main ethical concerns that arise if Clean Power moves its company: First, how the move will effect the present stake holders (i.e. the employees, their families, the business partners of Clean Power, and shareholders in Cincinnati). The second is the effect that the move will have on the environmental and community stakeholders of the Dominican Republic. Legal It would be unlawful for the any company to dump toxicRead MoreEthical Ethics And Ethical Issues1311 Words   |  6 Pagesprovides readers with an in-depth analysis of ethical theories, legal and ethical issues which gives them an opportunity to practice real life ethical issues that are frequently complex and thought provoking. Readers are further implored to examine their personal, moral and ethical value systems and codes they work from in an attempt to assist them in developing an informed ethical conscience for making sound moral and ethical judgments. The author presents ethical dilemmas throughout the book which readersRead MoreThe Fundamental Objectives Of Modern Ethic Committees1575 Words   |  7 Pagescaring for patients. When physicians cannot reach an agreed upon resolution in care between all parties involved (patient/surrogate, caregiver, or clinician) the use of the ethical committee is efficient (University of Washington School of Medicine, 2013). The fundamental o bjectives of modern ethic committees are; to encourage rights of patients, promote shared decision-making between patients, surrogates, and clinicians, to sponsor policies that are fair, capitalize on the procedures for achieving theRead MoreEthical Decision Making Model Analysis797 Words   |  4 PagesEthical Decision Making Model Making sound ethical decisions require an intentional process that utilizes thoughtful reflection, supervision/consultation, and action. Many ethical decision making models exist and the seven-step model introduced by Forester-Miller and Davis (1996) is a succinct amalgamation of these earlier models. The model by Forester-Miller and Davis (1996) follows seven progressive steps: (a) identify the problem, (b) apply the ACA Code of Ethics (2014), (c) determine the natureRead MoreThe Decision Making Of The Ethical Behavior Model Essay1740 Words   |  7 Pagescreating an ethical dilemma and similarly, to explore and present a decision making model used to work through the dilemma. The study found ways that can assist forensic counselors with this common issue that has prompted numerous legalities filed against them by their evaluees such as, identifying stakeholders and interpreting the situation through awareness and fact finding. Tarvydas’s integrative decision-making of the ethical behavior model can also be essential in solving ethical dilemmas becauseRead MorePerformance Indicators For Evaluation System806 Words   |  4 PagesEVALUATION SYSTEM Company establishes key performance indicators for evaluation system. The actual performance of marketing activities is comparing the set objectives. The key performance indicators are:- †¢ Overall sales of products in all the countries of world. †¢ Brand image †¢ Product innovation and improved existing products. †¢ Consumer feedback †¢ Rate of growth and increasing market share. Company should follow following monitoring system:- *Responsibility control centres :- It is sub unitRead MoreThe Argument Of The Insanity Defense895 Words   |  4 Pagesthe determination of whether the defendant fits the Black’s Law Dictionary definition of insanity at the time of the crime† (Richie et al, 2014). On the other hand, forensic psychologists who administer these assessments associated with determining legal proceeding must also place emphasis on adhering to the Code of Ethics. This could mean the psychologist needs to place emphasis on several areas when determining the adequate outcome. Legally, they have policies, questions, and parameters that theRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?867 Words   |  4 Pageshuman pregnancy, most often performed the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. There are series of legal, moral and ethical issues which may arise about abortion. Most arguments about abortion are often focused on political insinuations and the legal aspect of such actions. Some frequently asked questionsâ⠂¬â„¢ regarding the issue is if the practice should be outlawed and regarded as murder or should women have the right to practice it. For example, prior to becoming pregnant, some women feel that they would beRead MoreAnalysis of Leadership Ethics, by Lamar Odom 1176 Words   |  5 Pages Leadership ethics by Lamar Odom that basically examines whether doing the right thing is enough in leadership. The author examines this issue given that the behavior of leaders has been one of the most intriguing issues in today’s society and in order to provide insights on ethics in leadership. The title of the book provokes deeper thoughts in the minds of leaders even before they open the book to commence reading. The author of this book is a leadership and ethic consultant who has not only

Friday, May 15, 2020

Discuss the Interaction Between Cognition and Physiology...

Discuss the interaction between cognition and physiology in terms of behavior †¢ Introduction: cognition, physiology, relation †¢ Amnesia: retrograde, anterograde †¢ Memory: multi-store, division, *amnesic patients, ways of distinguishing types of memory (KC, spiers maguire and burgess, vargha and khadem) †¢ HM †¢ Clive Wearing †¢ Conclusion: cognition, physiology Cognition, as defined by Neisser, is all the processes by which the brain transforms, reduces, elaborates, stores, retrieves, and uses information. Physiology refers to the structures of the human body and brain. The relationship between cognition and physiology is bi-directional, meaning that cognition can effect physiology and vice versa. Every cognitive aspect†¦show more content†¦These two stores and further divided. Explicit memory contains episodic (events) and semantic (facts). implicit contains procedural (skills) and emotional (emotions). For amnesic patients, the problem lies mostly with explicit memory. There are three main ways to study the differences between the types of memories. The first is the study of anterograde amnesic patients. For example, the study done by Spiers, Maguire and Burgess. They studied 147 cases of anterograde amnesia with damage to the hippocampus. psychological testing proved that all cases had impaired episodic memory and limitedly impaired semantic. This shows that the hippocampus is responsible for episodic memory. To make the conclusion more reliable, another study was done by Vargha and Khadem, with 3 anterograde amnesic patients, and found the same results, except that the semantic memory was completely intact. They found that semantic memory was localized to the cortices underlying the hippocampus. Another way of studying the differences between the two is by studying retrograde amnesic patients. a retrograde amnesic patient known as KC was studied to find that the damage to his hippocampus impaired his episodic memory, but his semantic memory was still intact. The study of amnesic patients is done in psychology to study the relations between the physiology and cognition, because the damage to the brain can be seen easily,Show MoreRelatedDiscuss the Interaction Between Cognition and Physiology in Terms of Behavior942 Words   |  4 PagesDiscuss the interaction between cognition and physiology in terms of behavior †¢ Introduction: cognition, physiology, relation †¢ Amnesia: retrograde, anterograde †¢ Memory: multi-store, division, *amnesic patients, ways of distinguishing types of memory (KC, spiers maguire and burgess, vargha and khadem) †¢ HM †¢ Clive Wearing †¢ Conclusion: cognition, physiology Cognition, as defined by Neisser, is all the processes by which the brain transforms, reduces, elaborates, stores, retrievesRead MoreFramework And Theory Of Social Workers1425 Words   |  6 Pagesis conceptualized as the product of the reciprocal interaction of cognition, behavior, emotion, personal factors, (emotion, motivation, physiology, and physical phenomena), and social environmental influences.† (p. 640). Some behavioral theorists held the view that all overt thoughts and feelings as well as actions are behaviors. Granvold and Thyer (2015) found the following: Although the psychologist John B. Watson claimed that the term behavior should be limited to publicly observable actionsRead MoreEssay on sexual dysfunction4576 Words   |  19 Pagesadoptive father died, when I was thirteen-years old. Charlie Stork died instantaneously when he crashed his 1965 Rambler station wagon into the concrete pillar of a railroad overpass. We were living in the small town of Alpine,Texas, located somewhere between El Paso and San Antonio. I’m an only child and my mother had gone to Mexico to care for her gravely-ill father. Charlie and I were living in a dilapidated house in the poorest section of town. Our trailer had been repossessed a couple of months earlierRead MoreSocial Interaction And Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders2457 Words   |  10 PagesSocial interaction is defined as â€Å"a process of reciprocal stimulation and response between two people. It develops competition, interaction, influences social roles and status, and influen ces people in development of social relationships.† (What is SOCIAL INTERACTION) By adolescence most individuals are fairly competent at social interaction and have a general understanding of what is required of them in most social situations. For high functioning autistic children, this is far from the case. SimpleRead MoreLiterature on Split-Brain and Lateralization of Function2476 Words   |  10 Pagesï » ¿Question 1 Discuss the literature on split-brain and lateralization of function. What does the research tell us about each hemispheres ability to function independently (e.g., cognitively, creatively, etc.) and in unison? What are the implications for the cognitive neuroscientist in terms of research? Even though a variability of neurochemical and neuroanatomical sections are involved in the preparation of memory, functional specialization significantly regulates what kind of material can be learnedRead MoreLanguage Is An Innate Function Of Human Nature1955 Words   |  8 Pagesestablished human neurological and biological processes that have undergone evolutionary pressures and cultural shaping. I was inspired by Document 5 to examine the connection between perception and language. Much evidence exists today that proves that humans are hardwired for vocal speech. Physically, the human anatomy and physiology evolved to accommodate speech. Daniel L. Everett, author of Don’t Sleep, There Are Snakes and Language: The Cultural Tool notes that human infants are born with similar vocalRead MoreGeriatric Assessment7902 Words   |  32 Pagespsychosocial and functional capabilities and limitations of elderly patients. Various geriatric practitioners use the information generated to develop treatment and long-term follow-up plans, arrange for primary care and rehabilitative services, organize and facilitate the intricate process of case management, determine long-term care requirements and optimal placement, and make the best use of health care resources. The geriatric assessment differs from a standard medical evaluation in three generalRead MoreReaction Paper in Hbo8197 Words   |  33 PagesReaction Paper I. ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEM AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR Reaction by: William Perez Summary Synopsis / Analysis Evaluation The first group discussed the Organizational system and human behaviour. They informed us that human behaviour is complex and every individual is different from one another. Likewise, the reporter discussed that human being is like other organism that are a product of biological development and environmental interactions. The reporter defines behaviour as a phenotypicRead MoreStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words   |  287 Pageslittle flat, so to speak, while eighteen would be daunting. But those of us interested in strategy are, of course, no ordinary mortals—at least in terms of our cognitive capacities—and so should be able to comprehend, say, one more than the magic number seven plus two. Accordingly, this book proposes ten schools of thought on strategy formation. Cognition aside, in reviewing a large body of literature, ten distinct points of view did emerge, most of which are reflected in management practice. EachRead MoreFactors That Affect the Communication Skills of Criminology Students9253 Words   |  38 Pagesconversation between two or more persons by means of speaking, writing or using a common system of signs or expression. It requires train ing and experience to communicate well with other people. On the other hand, the act of communication involves verbal, non- verbal and para- verbal components where these components refer to the content of the message conveyed, the choice and arrangement of words, the message sent through body language and the tone, pacing and voice volume. In legal term, communication

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Twelfth Night, or What You Will by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is considered to be one of the greatest playwrights in the history of the English language. Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. While there are no official birth records for William Shakespeare, there is a church in Stratford-upon-Avon which claims to have Shakespeare’s baptism records. According to these records William Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564. There is marriage records show that William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in 1582. The couple had three children together, and in 1590 Shakespeare left his wife and kids to travel to London. He moved away to London so he could pursue a career as a playwright and actor. After catching the eye of James I and Elizabeth I he became one of the most popular playwrights in England. Shakespeare is famously known for the many different works he produced throughout his lifetime. He wrote many sonnets, poems and plays; which he is most famous for. Shakespeare’s plays have often been described as controversial because he often portrays women as very intelligent figures. Although Shakespeare portrays women in his plays, at the time women were not allowed on the stage, instead the roles were portrayed by adolescent boys. Shakespeare’s father was a glove maker, and his family was of the middle class. This middle class upbringing did not allow Shakespeare to go to university because his family could not afford to send him. Many critics often question how someone who was notShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night Or What You Will2113 Words   |  9 PagesTwelfth Night or What You Will by William Shakespeare is a classic play full of countless humorous encounters between couples and romantic happenstances between those who should not have romant ic relationships. As one of Shakespeare’s most famous comedies, the play explores many problems that seem to be ahead of its time. Within the play, there are instances of cross dressing (Viola as Cesario), homosexual encounters (Sebastian and Antonio), and the ever-asked question of â€Å"what is love?†. LoveRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night Or What You Will Essay936 Words   |  4 PagesWith every good story, there must be reason to the madness. With every great story, the audience is left to question their own thoughts over time. But what really makes a story great? Is it love and good will throughout where in the end nearly everyone is happy and all is well? Shakespeare’s play, Twelfth Night, or What You Will is an example of exactly this happy ending story. Or is it the taboo and transgressions of a story’s characters that make it great? Such as in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet;Read MorePlot And Action In Twelfth Night By Shakespe are1527 Words   |  7 Pagesdilate and Molià ¨re cracks a small smile as he realizes exactly what topic he wants to discuss next.) Molià ¨re. Since we’re on the subject of discussing your play Twelfth Night, there are a couple of key aspects within the dramaturgy of that play that, to this day, still confuse me. William Shakespeare. And what may those be? Molià ¨re. For starters, in Twelfth Night, there seems to be no unity of time, place, or action. William Shakespeare. Go on. What’s your point? Molià ¨re. My point is that the charactersRead More The Character of Sebastian in Shakespeares Twelfth Night: Essay838 Words   |  4 PagesThe Character of Sebastian in Shakespeares Twelfth Night:      Ã‚  Ã‚   Sebastians presence in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night: or What You Will is a vexation. More pointedly, it is his sudden marriage to Olivia which troubles me so. Was he written in to give a parallel storyline between Olivia and Viola? Was he a convenient way to have a double wedding, which Shakespeare seemed to prefer for his happy endings? Or, could there be some other meaning to Sebastian?    The last dayRead MoreThe Different Types of Comedy Employed by Shakespeare in Twelfth Night741 Words   |  3 PagesComedy Employed by Shakespeare in Twelfth Night William Shakespeare wrote Twelfth Night in 1914 as he was commissioned by Queen Elizabeth I to write a comic play for very important Italian courtier. The play included themes of love, confusion, disguise and other particularly funny topics from Shakespearean time. The title Twelfth Night fits in well with the comic play for a number of reasons. Twelfth Night is the name used for the Twelfth Day after ChristmasRead MoreThe Impervious Perception of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night1631 Words   |  7 PagesIn the kingdom of Illyria (fantasy world), Twelfth Night was supposedly originally written for the entertainment of Queen Elizabeth I. William Shakespeare’s comedy associates with the Feast of Epiphany (January 6th) and was means for entertainment in the seventeenth century. It contains some aspects that can be thought of as a successful comedy when compared to the standards of today’s society. The play incorporates some of the very same devices that are used in modern comedies today, such as topsy-turvyRead MoreAnalyzing Themes in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essay1478 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare, an English writer in the seventeenth century. He is considered to be the most influential writer in English literature. He wrote various genres, but the common types he wrote were: Tragedies, Comedies, and Histories. Among the m any plays he wrote he wrote one his most famous play, â€Å"Twelfth Night†, which he wrote during the middle of his career. â€Å"Twelfth Night† is considered to be one of Shakespeare’s greatest comedies that he has written. In addition to it is also the only playRead MoreThe Fools in Twelfth Night Essay1098 Words   |  5 PagesThe Fools of Twelfth Night  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   It is not unusual that the fool should be a prominent figure and make an important contribution in forming the confusion and the humor in an Elizabethan drama. In William Shakespeares comedy, Twelfth Night, Feste the clown is not the only fool who is subject to foolery. He and many other characters combine their silly acts and wits to invade other characters that either escape reality or live a dream. In Twelfth Night, Feste, Maria and Sir Toby are the foolsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Life Experiences997 Words   |  4 Pages Kemal 1 Ayesha Kemal Mrs. Holcombe Period: 7 10/05/14 Shakespeare’s Life Experiences William Shakespeare was born on April 26, 1564 to John and Mary Shakespeare. As a child Shakespeare grew up in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon in the United Kingdom. He grew up attending a school called King Edward VI School, where he learned to read, write, and use proper grammar. He continued to attend school until his family had some economic hardships and he was unable to attend university. Instead he got marriedRead MoreCompare And Contrast Hamlet And Twelfth Night1162 Words   |  5 PagesFrom Hilarity to Tragedy in Shakespeare: How Hamlet and Twelfth Night Compare By Zawadi Bunzigiye William Shakespeare wrote plays covering the breadth of human experience. They seem to have transcended the restraints of age because of the universal themes that they contain. His body of his work is comprised of genres of plays varying from tragedies to comedies. Of them, Hamlet and Twelfth Night are perfect examples of both. A comparison between them would be of interest because their common points

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Statement of Purpose

Question: Discuss about the Statement of Purpose. Answer: Introduction: Accounting is a field that I had fascination from my higher school days. Most of my family members are engaged in professions of accounting that have inspired me to frame my career in this field. When I was in my graduation days, I used to help my father in his work regarding stock markets, other financial instruments, and managing a portfolio of equities. This had helped me in gaining a deeper understanding of different financial instruments. In fact, my father provides me the first lesson about the stock market. However, this is the turning point of my career life. I had made my mind choose accounting and finance as my career option. While pursuing my career I have experienced many challenging and exciting events. I have understood that investment professionals are responsible for analyzing risks and managing assets while ensuring the future success of the particular organization. I have opted Bachelor of Administrative Science with significant accounting in King Saudi University R iyadh and dreamt of working in Capital Market Authority (CMA). While studying, I had done an internship in the year of 2011 from Mobility where I had focused on individual function units of accounting in the company. Internship during my bachelor days is the starting of my career. However, I have worked for dew months, but it was a great experience and an incredible exposure of learning about basics of accounting. After completing my graduation in King Saudi University, I worked there as a faculty in international finance reporting standards. The most important aspect while teaching students at the University is preparing various developing instructional programs and course material adhering to comprehensive and accuracy. This facilitates students with vivid learning exposures while overall development of their learning process. I have worked in Saudi Industrial Development Fund. In that organization, I build and format Excel reports from data collected from different financial information and imported reports. After that, accounting and processing financial transaction of loan payments. While working in this organization, I had earned a good experience and basic knowledge about necessary financing and accounting in organizational perspective. To enhance my skills of expertise and knowledge base, I had decided to pursue masters in this field. Hence, in the year 2015, I had completed my master degree in Accountancy. The area of specialization was financial and audit. Earning a master degree in this particular domain helped me enriching my knowledge and experience in finance and accounting. It acts as a compliment for my bachelors degree in accounting. My background in accounting in both studies and job provided me significant concepts of theories of financing along with its practical implications in organizations. My part time work enhanced me in gathering knowledge about the prospects of the field. While working in groups, I have learned what is happening in the world of finance. By conducting extensive research and consulting my senior officials, I collected information about the growth and scope of the sector in a particular field. My research about the framework of the financial sector is in the stock market. As an international student, I had a dream in working in CMA from my undergraduate days. To fulfill this dream, now I have decided to pursue a GDP program for enhancing my knowledge in stock market and other financial instruments that are still unknown to me. Apart from having a master degree in Accounting from Cleveland State University, I have decided to complete the nine months GDP program that will enhance my skills in the financing and accounting sector. The GDP program is formulated for the professionals for providing a global recognition of the degree offered by the Institute. The program is usually opting completion of the GDP program will help me in securing a good position in CMA, my dream company. Throughout my career life Apart from performing my duties in organizations, I have searched for better opportunities and scope of career in the stock market of Saudi Arabia. My desire of learning abou t stock market of Saudi has encouraged me to pursue different professional certified courses that will add value to my list of expertise. The stock market of Saudi Arabia is a booming market with ample of opportunities for financial growth. Capital Markets Authority is a government organization of Saudi Arabia that regulates capital markets of Saudi Arabia. The company is focused on administrative independence, legal, and financial departments while reporting to Prime Minister of the country. The organization formulates many regulations related to capital markets along with other financial instruments. However, there are various divisions of the company such as market supervision, enforcement, issuance corporate finance and capital market institutions control. Among the four categories, my area of preference is the last one i.e. the Department of the capital market. However, to get a higher designation in the company many skills and competencies, various skill sets are required. The market is very competitive in nature. Hence, I am planning to increase my skills. Information about the company background as well as fin ancial market, the capital market should be kept up to date. Since, the market is volatile in nature, the value of stocks, equity and other financial instruments are regularly changing. It is crucial for a financial professional to keep himself updated about every detail about capital markets. I have planned many things for acquiring a deserving position in my dream company. Learning has no ending. I usually engage myself in the continuous learning process of different things about capital and stock markets. My immediate planning is to complete a graduation development program in the field of accounting. On completion of the program, I will be able to enter CMA without any complications. The basic criteria for getting a position in the organization are more or less covered by me. However, in my near future, I have a planning to become a certified public accountant along with Scopa as an international employee to broaden my opportunity in the field of accounting. I hope my grasp of knowledge gathering and my qualifications will be suitable for joining the organization. Bibliography Al-Malkawi, H.A.N., Pillai, R. and Bhatti, M.I., 2014. Corporate governance practices in emerging markets: The case of GCC countries.Economic Modelling,38, pp.133-141. Al-Malkawi, H.A.N., Twairesh, A.E. and Harery, K., 2013. Determinants of the Likelihood to Pay Dividends: Evidence from Saudi Arabia.Journal of American Science,9(12), pp.518-528. Al-Matari, Y.A., Al-Swidi, A.K., Fadzil, F.H.B., Fadzil, H. and Al-Matari, E.M., 2012. Board of Directors, Audit Committee Characteristics and the Performance of Saudi Arabia Listed Companies.International Review of Management and Marketing,2(4), p.241. Alzomaia, T.S., 2014. Capital structure determinants of publicly listed companies in Saudi Arabia.The International Journal of Business and Finance Research,8(2), pp.53-67. Ghabayen, M.A., 2012. Board characteristics and firm performance: Case of Saudi Arabia.International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting,2(2), p.168. Held, D. and Ulrichsen, K. eds., 2013.The transformation of the Gulf: politics, economics and the global order. Routledge. Jouini, J., 2013. Return and volatility interaction between oil prices and stock markets in Saudi Arabia.Journal of Policy Modeling,35(6), pp.1124-1144. 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